Trump claims criminal cases boost black support

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By Creative Media News

  • Trump claims increased black support
  • Compares legal woes to discrimination
  • Aims for Republican primary win

In South Carolina, before the Republican primary on Saturday, the former President of the United States stated that African Americans had “embraced” his photograph.

Donald Trump has claimed that the “discrimination” evident in his four criminal cases has boosted his support among African Americans.

Additionally, the former president stated that the “black population” had “embraced” the photograph taken of him after he was charged with attempting to overturn the 2020 US election result in Georgia.

Ahead of Saturday’s Republican primary, while speaking at an event for black conservatives in South Carolina, Trump drew a parallel between his personal legal challenges and the long-standing discrimination faced by African Americans in the US legal system.

The former president, who is seeking re-election in the November US presidential election, stated on Friday at the annual gala of the Black Conservative Federation, “I was indicted a second, third, and fourth time, and many people said that’s why black people like me, because they have been so severely harmed and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I am being discriminated against.”

He also stated: “It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”

Observers expect Trump to decisively defeat Nikki Haley, making him the overwhelming favourite to become the Republican candidate for the election. The United Nations ambassador, in the primary held in her home state of South Carolina.

The primary provides Republican voters in the state with the opportunity to select their candidate for the upcoming election.

Presidential candidate Trump has focused his third campaign on his criticisms of US President Joe Biden and a purported “deep state” that is pursuing him due to the four criminal cases he is currently facing.

The former president is accused of conspiring to tamper with the results of the 2020 presidential election, possessing classified documents at his estate in Florida, and allegedly orchestrating payment for a pornographic actress.

The fourth case concerns allegations that he engaged in a criminal conspiracy to overturn his narrow loss in the 2020 Georgia state election.

Regarding the mugshot captured in connection with the Georgia case, Trump stated at the event: “The mugshot I took in Atlanta is the number one mugshot. Who among you adopted it the most enthusiastically? The black population.”

Trump’s presidential campaign has projected that his performance among black voters in November will be more favourable than four years ago. The declining poll numbers of Mr. Biden among African-American adults support this prediction.

“The light in my eyes is so intense that I cannot make out many individuals outside.” But only the black ones are visible to me. None of them are white. “That’s how far I’ve come,” Mr. Trump declared on Friday night, to audience amusement.

Moreover, he claimed to know many black individuals because African-American labourers built his properties.

In an effort to gain the support of black voters, who overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party, the Republicans face an uphill battle.

Despite a decline in black voter enthusiasm for Mr. Biden over the past year, a December AP-NORC poll found that only 25% of black Americans held a favourable opinion of Trump.

Trump compared himself to Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader who died on February 16 in a remote Arctic prison, earlier this week.

Preparing for the Republican primary, Trump

In South Carolina, the former president hopes to defeat Ms. Haley in a primary state election for the fourth time.

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Trump entered the primary with a significant advantage in polling and the support of prominent Republicans in the state, including Senator Tim Scott, an opponent from the previous campaign.

Ms. Haley has declared on several occasions that she will continue even if she loses her home state.

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