Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger dies: 100

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By Creative Media News

  • Kissinger’s Legacy
  • Controversial Realpolitik
  • Active Diplomacy at 100

Henry Kissinger, a former United States Secretary of State who oversaw U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War and was a divisive figure, has passed away at one hundred.

Throughout the Nixon and Ford administrations, he assumed the role of chief diplomat and national security adviser for the United States.

Decades after he departed from office in the mid-1970s, generations of leaders he is continued to seek his counsel.

The former diplomat of German descent passed away in his Connecticut residence.

Realpolitik and Criticism

Kissinger’s Realpolitik approach generated considerable controversy, as he and President Richard Nixon were involved in a bombardment campaign against Vietnamese communists in Cambodia, which prompted accusations of war crimes from critics.

Furthermore, as time passed, he came under severe censure from individuals who claimed he placed Soviet Union rivalry above human rights and backed repressive regimes worldwide, including Augusto Pinochet’s in Chile.

In his eulogy, former U.S. President George W. Bush lamented the loss of “one of the most dependable and distinctive voices on foreign affairs.”

In the interim, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair characterized him as a diplomatic artist, stating that Kissinger’s actions were driven by “an authentic affection for the free world and the imperative to safeguard it.”

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Tricia Nixon Cox and Julie Nixon Eisenhower, daughters of President Richard Nixon, remarked that Henry Kissinger’s existence was “so extraordinary — and so uniquely American.”

The statement stated that Henry Kissinger will be eternally remembered for his numerous contributions to advancing the cause of peace. Nevertheless, we shall never forget his character.

The schoolteacher’s son, born in 1923 in Germany, fled the Nazis with his family to the US in 1938. His indigenous Bavarian accent persists to this day.

After becoming a citizen in 1943, he joined the Counter Intelligence Corps after three years in the Army.

A PhD holder with bachelor’s, master’s, and international relations degrees, he commenced an academic career at Harvard.

Nixon appointed him national security adviser in 1969, giving him tremendous influence over U.S. foreign policy.

Contributions and Diplomacy

During his eight-year tenure as national security adviser and secretary of state from 1969 to 1977, the United States ultimately severed its military engagement in Vietnam.

Additionally, it fostered diplomatic ties with China. It helped end the 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel, Egypt, and Syria.

The concept of shuttle diplomacy involves a mediator traveling between disputing parties to assist them in reaching an agreement. It was conceived due to this endeavor.

Isaac Herzog, the president of Israel, which is presently engaged in conflict with Hamas, praised Henry Kissinger’s contributions to the peace accord with Egypt via social media, stating that “the entire family of nations continues to be enriched by the results of the momentous undertakings he oversaw.”

Weibo, a social media platform, emerged as a prominent topic with news of his death in China. Kissinger maintained an enduring level of popularity there.

He was described as “an old friend of the Chinese people” in the obituary of China News and “a legendary diplomat” by China Central Television, both of which emphasized his significant contributions to US-China relations.

Cambodia, Vietnam

Nevertheless, as time passed, Kissinger also faced severe censure from individuals who held the view that he prioritized Soviet Union rivalry over human rights and provided backing to repressive regimes worldwide, including Augusto Pinochet in Chile.

During negotiations with North Vietnam, Kissinger authorized a campaign that resulted in the deployment of thousands of ground troops and the destruction of over two million tonnes of explosives over Cambodia, a neutral nation, to starve the communists of supplies and personnel.

Due to the assaults, millions of civilians were displaced, and over fifty thousand were killed.

Several of his policies caused him to be followed even after his demise in a state of ire. “Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved by America’s Ruling Class, Finally Dies” is the headline of Rolling Stone’s obituary for him. The Huffpost, which leans to the left, has emblazoned “The Beltway Butcher” over a photo of him on its homepage.

Conversely, Kissinger was indifferent to criticism.

“That reflects their ignorance,” the statesman with a gravelly voice told CBS in a pre-100th birthday interview.

He was co-winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize with Le Duc Tho of North Vietnam, who declined to accept on the condition that the United States cease its involvement in the Vietnam War through the Paris Peace Accords.

Peace campaigners strongly criticised the award, prompting two Nobel committee members to leave.

Despite his departure from public service in 1977, Kissinger maintained a highly productive career as a public affairs commentator. Twelve U.S. presidents, including Joe Biden and John F. Kennedy, sought his counsel, in addition to legislators.

Kissinger is the only American to have met each Chinese leader from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping.

In addition to writing twenty-one books, he was a foreign policy and security forum participant and corporate board member.

Kissinger’s Visit to Beijing

Kissinger maintained an active lifestyle even after reaching the age of 100. In July of this year, he unexpectedly travelled to Beijing to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Where he was greeted warmly despite the deteriorating relations between the United States and China.

The White House was dismayed by the visit, and National Security Council spokesman John Kirby expressed regret that “a private citizen” was granted access to Chinese authorities while the United States government was not given the same privileges.

At 99, Kissinger was asked if he would modify his stance during an ABC book tour interview in July 2022.

I have been preoccupied with these issues throughout my entire existence. He stated, “It is both my occupation and my hobby.”
Consequently, my suggestions were to the best of my ability at that moment.

In addition to his wife of almost half a century, Nancy Maginnes Kissinger, he leaves behind two children from a previous union, Elizabeth and David, and five grandchildren.

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