Summer weddings cost £1,000 on average, up 18%.

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By Creative Media News

The cost of being a wedding attendee has increased by nearly one-fifth compared to last year, with lodging and gifts for the couple constituting the majority of expenses.

According to a new survey, if you’ve been invited to a wedding this summer, the total cost of attending is likely to exceed £1,000.

This is up 18% from last year when wedding guests anticipated spending an average of £883.

With an average cost of £203.90, lodging is one of the most expensive aspects of travel; visitors anticipate spending 32% more than they did in 2022.

The largest expenditure, however, was on gifts for the honeymooners, according to the American Express survey.

Summer weddings cost £1,000 on average, up 18%.
Summer weddings cost £1,000 on average, up 18%.

Wedding guests spend an average of £217.90 on cash, couples’ experiences, and kitchen appliances.

People were anticipated to spend £196.20 on travel, compared to £202.70 on childcare expenses.

The survey revealed that many couples are opting to marry abroad, with Spain and Ireland among the most popular locations.

Guests anticipated spending an additional £160.30 on clothing and accessories.

After years of COVID-19 decreases, wedding attendance is expected to rise in 2023.

According to the research, the average number of wedding guests in 2023 will increase from 66 in 2022 to 74.

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