Joe Biden plans to attend the Queen’s burial, but Vladimir Putin isn’t expected.

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By Creative Media News

The death of Queen Elizabeth II has prompted an outpouring of condolences from around the world, and while the funeral arrangements have yet to be finalized, several foreign leaders have already declared their intention to attend.

The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, has indicated that he will attend the Queen’s burial in the United Kingdom.

Although no formal arrangements for Her Majesty’s funeral have been revealed, it is assumed that the service will take place within 10 days of her passing.

The 96-year-old monarch passed away surrounded by members of the Royal Family on Thursday at her home in Balmoral, Scotland.

Joe biden plans to attend the queen's burial, but vladimir putin isn't expected.
Joe biden plans to attend the queen's burial, but vladimir putin isn't expected.

Tributes to the monarch have poured in from all across the world, including from Vice President Joe Biden, who referred to Elizabeth as a “stateswoman of unparalleled dignity and consistency.

The president told reporters as he boarded Air Force One on Friday that he plans to attend the burial but does not yet know “the specifics.”

He said that he had not spoken to King Charles III since the death of his mother, stating, “I know him, I haven’t spoken to him, and I haven’t called him.”

Mr. Biden was the thirteenth and final American president to meet the Queen during her seven-decade reign.

Since Dwight Eisenhower, the Queen has seen every American president save Lyndon Johnson, who did not visit Britain during his office.

Mr. Biden and Mrs. Biden stated in a statement that the Queen’s “legacy will loom large in the pages of British history and the narrative of our planet.”

While the president has promised to attend the funeral of the queen, other foreign leaders have been less forthcoming.

It does not appear that Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend the ceremony, as a senior Kremlin spokeswoman stated that the Queen has never “had a place in the hearts of Russians.”

Following the news of her death, Mr. Putin sent King Charles a telegram expressing his condolences and wishing him “courage and fortitude” in the face of his “irreparable loss.”

Friday, however, spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated, “I do not believe (Queen Elizabeth II) has a place in the hearts of Russians.

“She was treated with respect in Russia, as she was throughout the world, for her intelligence and international authority. Such characteristics are scarce on the international scene.”

With UK-Russia ties at a low point due to the conflict in Ukraine, he added that it has not been determined if a Russian delegate will be required to attend any celebrations honoring the Queen.

Mr. Peskov stated, “All of this should be published by the Royal Court or British authorities.”

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, has expressed a desire to attend Her Majesty’s funeral if his schedule permits.

He told reporters he was acquainted with the Queen, having met her twice at Buckingham Palace, and he has extended his sincere sympathies to the royal family.

Mr. Erdogan stated, “If we have the possibility, we would like to attend this occasion.”

Emmanuel Macron is anticipated to attend the funeral of the Queen.

After the loss of the monarch, the French president expressed “deep regret” and a sense of “emptiness” and lauded her “strong devotion to France.”

Mr. Macron stated in a video message that the Queen grasped “our language, adored our culture, and touched our hearts.”

Under her reign, Britain and France developed a “warm, true, and devoted alliance,” he said, describing her as a “wonderful head of state.”

Mr. Macron, speaking in English, stated, “For you, she was your Queen. She was The Queen to us.

Japanese media have stated that Emperor Naruhito plans to attend the funeral and may be accompanied by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

It would be the emperor’s first travel abroad since he ascended to the throne in May 2019.

NTV, TBS, and other media outlets citing government sources, said on Friday that Empress Masako has also indicated a desire to attend and that the Japanese government is coordinating their travel.

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