British Army might enlist citizens against Russian threat

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By Creative Media News

  • UK faces conscription possibility
  • Recruitment system inadequately performed
  • Downing Street defends military spending

A former British Army colonel has asserted that in the event of a war with Russia, the nation might be forced to rely on conscription due to the military’s recruitment system having “terribly failed.”

According to the former colonel, Britain “may have no choice” but to implement conscription as it is “completely unprepared” to defend Europe against the Russian threat.

Following the statement earlier this week by the departing Chief of the British Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, that the United Kingdom should “train and equip” a “citizen army,” Downing Street stated that service would continue to be voluntary.

However, former NATO Supreme Commander of the United Kingdom, General Sir Richard Sherriff, suggested that we “consider the unthinkable” and “examine conscription closely.”

On Sunday, former British Army Colonel Tim Collins concurred that the possibility should not be ruled out.

Mr. Collins, an Ulster Unionist Party parliamentary candidate, says the armed forces recruitment system needs improvement.

“I believe that we must awaken and come to the realization that… The Ukrainian people are fighting for their independence against the illegal Russian invasion. Should they fail to prevail, we stand in their way.

Both of us must enhance our support for the Ukrainians’ victory.

We also fail to account for the likelihood that they would tumble and collapse, leaving us behind. We should do both.”

He claimed he could recruit “to full strength” in two years while heading a “250 undermanned” unit.

Although he stated it is possible, existing contracts have “obviously failed.”

He added that if they cannot recruit, we will be forced to resort to conscription.

Although I prefer not to, that is my only viable option.

On Thursday, Armed Forces Minister James Heappey dismissed rumours as “nonsense.” He stated that the United Kingdom would not implement conscription if NATO invaded Russia.

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The US Navy Secretary, Carlos Del Toro, has urged the United Kingdom to “reevaluate” the scale of its armed forces in light of “the threats that exist today.”

Downing Street defended the government’s defence expenditures, stating that due to its “military strength,” the United Kingdom has been Washington’s “preferred partner” in its strikes against Houthi rebels in the Red Sea.

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