The hidden iPhone feature that lets you turn on your torch, mute, or snap a screenshot by tapping the back.

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By Creative Media News

It’s late, you’re fumbling with your keys at the front door, and the porch light has once again gone out… if only assistance were nearby.

Well, there is potentially a remedy for iPhone users. A little-known feature buried within the device’s numerous settings.

Double-tap the rear of the phone with your index finger, and voila! The flame is lit. You can now locate the aperture.

Turn on your torch
The hidden iphone feature that lets you turn on your torch, mute, or snap a screenshot by tapping the back.

Back Tap activates many actions that would normally be triggered by touching the home screen.

The camera, screen rotation lock, mute, screenshot, Siri, volume controls, and torch are among the 16 functions that can be accessed by double- or triple-tapping the rear of the phone.

Users can choose between two functions, one of which is activated by a double tap and the other by a triple touch. However, before you get too enthusiastic about this life-saving new trick that could be the ultimate party trick. You should know that while it is simple to turn on, it is not simple to use.

They say that you can lead a horse to water.

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