Google agreed to pay $118 million to female employees who were paid less than male counterparts.

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By Creative Media News

The technology giant is settling a five-year-long case that will result in around 15,500 California-based female employees receiving unpaid wages.

In 2017, former Google employees in California asserted they were paid less than their male counterparts and filed a claim against the internet giant.

In addition to the money, which will be distributed to women based on “an objective formula,” the corporation has promised to bring in outside experts to fix its gender pay gap.

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Google agreed to pay $118 million to female employees who were paid less than male counterparts.

In addition to the other terms of the proposed settlement – which must be accepted by the court -, Google would hire an industrial organization expert to examine its recruiting procedures and pay equity.

Holly Pearse, who worked at Google for almost a decade before filing a lawsuit against the firm, stated: “As a woman who has spent her entire career in the computer business, I am hopeful that the changes Google has agreed to take as part of this settlement will promote more gender equality.

“Since its inception, Google has dominated the technology industry. They also can lead the battle to guarantee women’s inclusion and equality in the technology sector “remarked Ms. Pears.

Ms. Pearse, Kelly Ellis, Kelli Wisuri, and Heidi Lamar constituted the four principal plaintiffs.

In a statement, a Google representative stated: “Although we strongly believe in the fairness of our policies and practices, after nearly five years of litigation, both parties agreed that resolution of the matter, without admission or findings, was in everyone’s best interest, and we’re thrilled to reach this agreement.

“We are dedicated to paying, employing, and promoting all employees fairly and equally, and for the past nine years we have conducted thorough pay equity analyses to ensure that salaries, bonuses, and equity awards are fair,” they continued.

Last year, Google increased the salaries of 2,352 employees for a total of $4.4 million, and it will continue to guarantee that its employees are compensated adequately for their roles.

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