Body changes without sex or masturbation for months

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By Creative Media News

  1. Gen Z shows lower sexual activity, prompting health concerns
  2. Prolonged sexual inactivity leads to physical and psychological issues
  3. Communication and therapy are vital for sexless relationships

Experts caution that the genitalia of Gen Z of legal age may contract because they are engaging in less sexual intercourse than any other generation in history.

Dr. Tara Suwinyattichaiporn, a specialist in sex and relationships, stated that penile atrophy is an uncommon condition in which men who are sexually inactive experience a decrease in penile tissue elasticity, resulting in a one- to two-centimeter reduction.

Additionally, she asserts that individuals of all genders may experience elevated stress levels as a result of sexual frustration, anxiety, depression, and aggression issues when they refrain from engaging in sexual activity for a month or more.

It has the potential to induce additional psychological effects and increase the likelihood of infidelity. 

A 2021 study conducted by California University revealed that 38% of young individuals between the ages of 18 and 30 reported not having had any sexual partners in the previous year despite their positive emotional attachment to sex.

Experts cautioned that the human body may experience adverse consequences as a result of prolonged periods of sexual abstinence, which can last for weeks, months, or even years.

Suwinyattichaiporn stated that most individuals require affection, contact, and sexual connections with others. In the absence of these elements, their mental health may decline, resulting in anxiety, depression, and elevated stress levels.

She clarified that the development of genuinely severe symptoms could occur within six months or take as long as five years, depending on the individual’s overall mental health.

Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” dopamine and serotonin, are released during sexual intercourse, which regulates emotions and elevates mood. 

Dopamine is a chemical that the brain releases to induce feelings of pleasure. However, if the body fails to generate enough, it can reduce self-esteem and insecurities.

It was suggested in a 2021 study that individuals who have their sexual requirements unmet may experience frustration, which may increase aggressive behavior.

This frustration can result from the unfulfilled desire to have sex, the absence of an available partner, or the participation in unsatisfying sexual activities, which can result in increased irritability and mood fluctuations.

The study stated that it has increased “the risks of aggression, violence, and crime associated with relief-seeking, power-seeking, revenge-seeking, and displaced frustration.”

‘They don’t approach their partner with tenderness, vulnerability, and requests for compromise,’ sex therapist Sari Cooper said when couples are experiencing a sex drought in their relationship. 

‘They cannot resolve conflicts and instead resort to blaming one another, pursuing the other with continuous criticism, or eliciting a regretful response to satisfy their needs.’

Cooper noted that it is expected to experience a “dry period,” but an extended period of sexual inactivity can result in significant issues with one’s partner.

Cooper elaborated, “Occasionally, one partner may request that the relationship be opened up to address their needs ethically, while other partners may resort to external sexual infidelity to satisfy their needs.” 

The 2021 California Health Interview Survey revealed that the number of young individuals who abstain from sex has reached a record high. Specifically, 38% of individuals aged 18 to 30 reported that they had not had any sexual partners in the previous year.

According to the LA Times, this is in contrast to the 22 percent of individuals who reported not having intercourse in a year a decade ago.

Suwinyattichaiporn cautioned that sex withdrawal can result in more severe symptoms, such as penile and vaginal atrophy and discomfort during sex. However, she also noted that these symptoms may take over five years to manifest.

Men are at an increased risk of developing medical conditions such as prostate cancer and penile atrophy if they refrain from engaging in sexual activity for an extended period.

According to the Urology Care Foundation, research indicates that the accumulation of carcinogens in the prostate over time may increase the risk of cancer. However, studies have discovered that ejaculation may prevent this by flushing out the hazardous chemicals that accumulate in the semen.

Tobias Kohler, an assistant professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, reiterated Suwinyattichaiporn’s warning that an inactive sex life can result in penile atrophy. Kohler stated to WebMD that the penis will become elastic and shrink in the absence of regular erections.

The duration of penile atrophy development remains a topic of debate in the scientific community. 

Men who ejaculated at least 21 times per month had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ejaculated only four to seven times per month, according to a 2016 study.

Similarly, a woman’s vaginal atrophy may result from months of inactivity, which can make intercourse uncomfortable and occasionally agonizing.

Sexual activity enhances the elasticity, lubrication, and blood flow of vaginal tissues. However, in the absence of sexual activity, a woman may experience vaginal atrophy, a condition in which the tissues become thin and desiccated. This can result in a shorter vaginal canal, which can make penetration more challenging.

Cooper recommended that individuals who are experiencing a prolonged period of sexual inactivity prioritize the management of their stress levels, as this can affect their capacity to detect when “someone piques our neurotic nerve endings.”

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‘People who are stressed out are unable to appreciate sex,’ Suwinyattichaiporn continued.

Individuals may implement strategies to alleviate stress, including meditation, yoga, or tai-chi, and schedule consistent date evenings with their partner.

Cooper also recommended that you reflect on the factors that have historically elicited your “erotic desires,” which are not necessarily physical.

For instance, Cooper stated that an individual who is highly attuned to sound may become extremely energized when listening to or swaying to a particular genre of music when in a state of relaxation.

Cooper recommended that couples who feel trapped in a sexless relationship and are unable to communicate seek the assistance of a certified sex therapist to “address these barriers with professional guidance.

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