According to a palaeontologist, humans may shrink as the temperature warms.

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By Creative Media News

“This is not a scare tactic. This involves examining the fossil record and stating, “Look, the Earth’s temperature has fluctuated significantly throughout its history.” “Steve Brusatte, professor When the Earth has warmed in the past, “mammal species have frequently shrunk in reaction.”

A fossils specialist has indicated that in the future, as a result of a hotter environment, mammals, including humans, may become smaller.

According to a palaeontologist, humans may shrink as the temperature warms.

In the past, when the planet has warmed, “mammal species have frequently shrunk in reaction,”.

Prof. Brusatte provided an example from approximately 55 million years ago when forty percent of prehistoric mammal species shrunk in size after a “big global temperature surge.”

In a speech commemorating the release of his new book, The Rise and Reign of the Mammals, the specialist on fossils argued that in the future, mammals, including humans, may behave similarly.

According to fossil records, there are numerous examples of humans shrinking in reaction to living on islands with few resources and a hostile environment.

According to a palaeontologist, humans may shrink as the temperature warms.

“Therefore, if you put these pieces together, you have an intriguing concept,” he remarked.

This would take “many dozens, or even hundreds of generations” to occur, he continued.

“This is not alarmist language. This is not a scare tactic. This is simply examining the fossil record and stating, “Look, the Earth’s temperature has fluctuated significantly over its history.”

“What is occurring now is not new, but the causes are because humans are to blame. In the past, though, global warming has occurred, forcing animals to adapt by becoming smaller. Consequently, this may occur in the future,” he added.

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