Lula says Bolsonaro supporters who riot will be “caught and punished”

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By Creative Media News

Invading the Congress, presidential palace, and Supreme Court, supporters of the former far-right president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, left a path of destruction in their wake.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the president of Brazil, stated that rioters will be apprehended and punished with “the full force of the law” after supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro stormed the presidential palace, Congress, Supreme Court, and ministries’ buildings.

Social media footage and images depict what appears to be thousands of individuals, many draped in the yellow and green colors of the Brazilian flag, ascending the steps of the National Congress building in the capital city.

It is believed that the supporters breached the security forces’ blockade and invaded the ministries and Congress.

Lula says bolsonaro supporters who riot will be "caught and punished"
Lula says bolsonaro supporters who riot will be "caught and punished"

No immediate reports of deaths or injuries resulted from the riots, but the invaders left a path of destruction, throwing furniture through the shattered windows of the presidential palace, flooding portions of Congress with sprinkler systems, and ransacking ceremonial rooms of the Supreme Court.

According to the Brazilian news channel GloboNews, security forces have retaken Congress, the Supreme Court, and the presidential palace.

The local media estimated that there were approximately 3,000 participants.

At least 300 people were arrested, according to Brasilia’s local police.

The president, known as Lula, was in the state of Sao Paulo on an official trip during the protests. But he traveled to Brasilia to inspect the Supreme Court building for himself.

The rioters are fascists and zealots.

After the riots, Lula declared a federal security intervention in Brasilia, labeling the protesters “fascists and fanatics”. And stating that they would be punished with “the full force of the law.”

He added that the federal intervention in the Brazilian capital will continue until January 31.

He referred to the protests as “barbaric” and stated that those responsible for the riots “will be found and punished.”

Lula later accused Mr. Bolsonaro of being a “genocidaire” who “encourages this from Miami via social media.”

Everyone is aware that numerous ex-presidential speeches encourage this.

Those who targeted Congress scaled the building’s roof and shattered its windows’ glass.

On television, protesters were seen destroying furniture inside the Supreme Court and Congress.

Bolsonaro denies the allegations

In response to the takeover of Brasilia government facilities, Mr. Bolsonaro stated that he “refutes” Lula’s claims.

In a tweet, he stated that peaceful demonstrations are a necessary component of democracy. But that any invasion of public facilities “crosses the line.”

Protesters were seen roaming the presidential palace in images broadcast on the television news channel Globo News.

Banners proclaiming “military intervention” were carried by a portion of the protesters. Who demanded the military’s involvement in restoring Mr. Bolsonaro to power.

Pictures that have surfaced depict protestors clashing with security forces while tear gas is deployed.

Videos released on Twitter also revealed the havoc committed by protestors within the Supreme Court. Including the destruction of furniture and the shattering of windows.

Demanded criminal investigation

The Public Prosecutor’s Office stated that the attorney general requested the “immediate initiation of criminal investigative proceedings aimed at holding those responsible accountable.”

Due to the riots, the Solicitor General’s Office has requested the arrest of Brasilia’s public security secretary, Anderson Torres.

A Supreme Court justice, Alexandre de Moraes, announced late on Sunday that the court would remove the city’s governor, Ibaneis Rocha, for 90 days, citing security flaws that allowed the infiltration of government buildings.

The incidents echo the January 6, 2021 invasion of the United States Capitol and occur after the leftist Lula was inaugurated on January 1.

Since 30 October, supporters of Mr. Bolsonaro have demonstrated against Lula’s election victory by blocking roads, setting fire to vehicles. And gathering in front of military buildings, pleading with the military to intervene.

Lula defeated Mr. Bolsonaro in the election, but the former president repeatedly questioned the veracity of the country’s electronic voting system without evidence. His staunchest supporters have continued to believe in him.

The invasion of Congress occurred days after reports that the presidential palace was in “deteriorated” condition following Mr. Bolsonaro’s departure, with several items reportedly missing.

According to Lula’s wife, who showed Brazilian television network TV Globo around after she moved in, rugs were shredded. The flooring was ruined, a window was shattered, a ceiling was stained by water leaks, and a large banquet hall was devoid of furnishings.

Mr. Bolsonaro left Brazil for Florida 48 hours before the end of his term.

“Republican coup attempt”

The prime minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, tweeted: “All my support to President Lula. And the free and democratically elected institutions of the Brazilian people.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the United States denounced the attacks. And demanded an “immediate halt” to the disturbances.

Joe Biden, the vice president of the United States, criticized “the assault on democracy. And the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil” as “outrageous.”

Foreign secretary of the United Kingdom, James Cleverly, tweeted: “The violent attempts to subvert democracy in Brazil are unjustified. The Brazilian administration and President Lula enjoy the complete support of the United Kingdom.”

French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the will of the Brazilian people. And democratic institutions “must be honored,” adding that Lula can “rely on France’s unshakeable support.”

President Lopez Obrador of Mexico criticized the “conservative coup attempt” in Brazil in a tweet. Adding that the rioters were “encouraged by the oligarchic power leadership, their spokespeople, and zealots.”

The Chilean leader, Gabriel Boric, stated, “The Brazilian administration has our entire support in the face of this shameful and terrible assault on democracy.”

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