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America’s EV boom busts; layoffs and project pauses

Creative Media News

As part of a contemporary gold rush, the American public was persuaded that electric vehicles would bring manufacturing companies and a surge in employment opportunities to small communities across the nation. However, due to declining interest in electric vehicles (EVs), lithium and nickel facilities, which produce the metals used in lithium-ion batteries for EVs, are implementing cost-cutting strategies such as massive redundancies and suspensions of operations.

Defected Russian pilot Kuzminov reportedly killed in Spain

Creative Media News

Defected Russian pilot Kuzminov reportedly killed in Spain

Scott Benton’s appeal loss triggers by-election

Creative Media News

MP for Blackpool South, Scott Benton, will serve a 35-day suspension after his appeal against a Standards Committee decision was dismissed. Caught in a lobbying scandal, Benton's actions have prompted Labour to call for his resignation to avoid a by-election. The Conservatives face further scrutiny as they already contend with multiple seat losses. Benton denies any wrongdoing despite evidence and the potential for a recall petition impacting his constituents.

Bank of England sees upturn signs in economy

Creative Media News

The Governor of the Bank of England stated that, despite the country entering a recession in late 2018, there are "clear indications of a recovery" in the UK economy. Andrew Bailey explained to the committee of Members of Parliament that he believed the recession would be one of the shallowest of any in modern history, while justifying the Bank's efforts to reduce inflationary pressures by curbing economic demand.

In Guinea, military commanders overthrow the government

Creative Media News

In Guinea, military commanders overthrow the government

Israel-Gaza war: US pushes for UN ceasefire

Creative Media News

Israel-Gaza war: US pushes for UN ceasefire

Strictly Star Robin ‘Bobby’ Windsor Dies at 44

Creative Media News

Strictly Star Robin 'Bobby' Windsor Dies at 44

Regarding genocide, Namibia, Gaza, and German hypocrisy

Creative Media News

Regarding genocide, Namibia, Gaza, and German hypocrisy

Investigation of baby formula milk costs due to cost issues

Creative Media News

An investigation has been initiated into the infant formula market in the United Kingdom following regulatory statements suggesting that parents could save £500 during the first year of their child's life. According to an initial report published in November, the cost of formula has increased by 25% over the past two years.

Taylor Wimpey CEO Jennie Daly thinks 4.5m homes are needed

Creative Media News

Following World War II, Northern Ireland faced a shortage of municipal housing and protests against anti-Catholic discrimination in housing allocations. Daly, the youngest of four children, recalls her parents living in a third-floor flat with a single water tap on the ground floor before she was born. "At one point, one of my siblings had to move to the countryside to live with my grandmother," she says, highlighting the difficult choices families faced due to inadequate housing.

Asda brothers could dodge £2.5m stamp duty

Creative Media News

If one Asda co-owner transfers their shares to the other, they might save millions in stamp duty. Twenty-one percent of the supermarket chain was acquired from Walmart in 2021 by Mohsin and Zuber Issa and the private equity firm TDR Capital. However, speculation has arisen regarding the company's future ownership in light of reports suggesting that Zuber intends to divest his 22.5 percent stake.

British jabs may eliminate malaria in 10 years

Creative Media News

Malaria may be eradicated within a decade, according to a leading vaccinologist who developed the revolutionary vaccine for Oxford University. Globally, the disease, which is transmitted and carried by mosquitoes, is responsible for over 600,000 deaths annually; recent efforts to reduce the death toll have stalled. However, with the licensing of two British anti-malaria vaccines, "eradication of malaria within ten years is now a distinct possibility."

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