Homemade Bread and Butter Pudding Recipe: Classic Comfort

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By Creative Media News

  • Classic British dessert: Bread and Butter Pudding
  • Rich, creamy custard with buttery bread
  • Versatile variations for every taste

Bread and Butter Pudding is a quintessential British dessert cherished for its simplicity, comforting warmth, and nostalgic appeal. This classic dish transforms humble ingredients—bread, butter, eggs, and milk—into a decadent treat that has stood the test of time in British kitchens.

Originating as a way to use up stale bread, Bread and Butter Pudding has evolved into a beloved dessert celebrated for its creamy texture and delicate sweetness. Traditionally associated with frugality, this pudding now graces tables across the UK and beyond, offering a taste of tradition and homey indulgence.

In this article, we delve into the art of crafting Bread and Butter Pudding, providing you with a step-by-step guide to recreate this timeless dessert at home. From layering buttered bread slices to soaking them in a rich custard and baking until golden, each step is designed to ensure your pudding is a perfect blend of comfort and flavor.


To prepare a delicious Bread and Butter Pudding, gather the following ingredients:

For the Pudding:

  • 6-8 slices of white bread, crusts removed
  • Butter, softened
  • 3 eggs
  • 500ml milk
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Optional: handful of raisins or sultanas
  • Optional: ground cinnamon or nutmeg for sprinkling

Notes on Ingredient Selection:

  • Bread: Use slightly stale white bread for best results; brioche or challah can add extra richness.
  • Butter: Generously spread on each slice to ensure a golden, buttery finish.
  • Milk: Whole milk works best for a creamy texture, but semi-skimmed can also be used.
  • Sugar: Adjust sweetness according to preference; brown sugar adds a caramel-like richness.
  • Vanilla Extract: Enhances the custard’s flavor; vanilla bean paste can be used for deeper flavor.
  • Raisins or Sultanas: Traditional additions that plump up and add bursts of sweetness.
  • Spices: Sprinkle ground cinnamon or nutmeg for a warm, aromatic touch.

These ingredients will ensure your Bread and Butter Pudding is rich, creamy, and filled with comforting flavors. Next, we’ll proceed with detailed instructions on how to prepare this delightful dessert.


Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a delicious Bread and Butter Pudding that’s creamy, comforting, and full of flavor:

1. Prepare the Bread and Butter

  • Butter the Bread: Generously spread each slice of bread with softened butter.
  • Remove Crusts: Trim the crusts off the bread slices for a smoother texture if desired.

2. Arrange in Layers

  • Layer the Bread: Arrange the buttered bread slices in a greased baking dish, overlapping slightly to fit snugly.

3. Prepare the Custard Mixture

  • Whisk Eggs and Sugar: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and caster sugar until pale and creamy.
  • Add Milk and Vanilla: Gradually whisk in the milk and vanilla extract until well combined.

4. Pour Over the Bread

  • Soak the Bread: Slowly pour the custard mixture over the arranged bread slices, ensuring all slices are evenly soaked.
  • Optional: Add Raisins or Sultanas: Scatter a handful of raisins or sultanas over the bread slices for added sweetness and texture.

5. Bake Until Golden and Set

  • Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 180°C (160°C fan).
  • Bake: Place the baking dish in the preheated oven and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the pudding is golden on top and set in the center.

6. Serve Warm

  • Rest and Serve: Remove from the oven and let the Bread and Butter Pudding rest for a few minutes.
  • Optional: Sprinkle with Spices: Dust with ground cinnamon or nutmeg for a traditional finish.
  • Serve: Serve warm, portioned into individual servings. It pairs wonderfully with a dollop of clotted cream or a drizzle of custard.

Tips for Perfect Bread and Butter Pudding:

  • Bread Consistency: Use slightly stale bread for better absorption of the custard.
  • Custard Thickness: Adjust the amount of milk for a thicker or thinner custard base.
  • Variations: Experiment with different types of bread or add a layer of marmalade for a twist.

Enjoy the comforting aroma and rich flavor of homemade Bread and Butter Pudding, perfect for any occasion or as a delightful end to a meal.


Bread and Butter Pudding lends itself beautifully to variations that enhance its flavor and appeal. Here are some creative twists to try:

1. Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding:

  • Additions: Sprinkle chocolate chips or chunks between the layers of buttered bread.
  • Custard: Use a chocolate custard mixture for a richer chocolatey flavor.
  • Garnish: Serve with a drizzle of chocolate sauce or a dusting of cocoa powder.

2. Mixed Berry Bread and Butter Pudding:

  • Additions: Scatter a mix of fresh or frozen berries (such as raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries) over the bread layers.
  • Custard: Infuse the custard with a hint of berry flavor by adding a splash of berry liqueur or a spoonful of berry jam.
  • Garnish: Top with a handful of fresh berries or a berry compote before serving.

3. Savory Cheese and Herb Bread Pudding:

  • Ingredients: Substitute buttered bread with buttered slices of crusty bread or baguette.
  • Cheese: Layer grated cheese (such as cheddar, Gruyère, or Parmesan) between the bread slices.
  • Herbs: Add chopped fresh herbs (like parsley, thyme, or chives) to the custard mixture for a savory twist.
  • Bake: Bake as usual until golden and bubbling; serve warm as a savory side dish or brunch option.

4. Vegan Bread and Butter Pudding:

  • Substitutions: Use dairy-free butter and plant-based milk (such as almond, oat, or soy milk).
  • Custard: Prepare a custard using cornstarch or arrowroot powder to thicken the milk mixture.
  • Sweetener: Replace caster sugar with coconut sugar or maple syrup for sweetness.
  • Extras: Add coconut flakes or chopped nuts for texture and flavor.

These variations offer a delicious way to personalize Bread and Butter Pudding to suit different tastes and dietary preferences. Whether you prefer a classic rendition or a creative twist, each version celebrates the comforting essence of this beloved dessert.

Bread and Butter Pudding epitomizes comfort and nostalgia, offering a taste of British tradition in every creamy, custardy bite. Whether enjoyed warm from the oven or chilled as leftovers, this timeless dessert delights with its simple ingredients and rich, comforting flavors.

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By following this recipe, you’ve embarked on a journey to recreate a beloved classic in your own kitchen. From layering buttered bread slices to pouring over a luscious custard and baking until golden, each step has been crafted to ensure your Bread and Butter Pudding is a perfect blend of indulgence and homely charm.

We hope this guide has inspired you to embrace the tradition of making Bread and Butter Pudding and to explore its versatile nature through different variations. Whether you opt for a chocolatey twist, a fruity burst, a savory surprise, or a vegan adaptation, each version promises to bring joy to your table and warmth to your gatherings.

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