We consume less alcohol (but still get drunk).

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By Creative Media News

A new survey reveals that the frequency with which Britons consume alcohol is significantly lower than it was a decade ago.

According to a survey of 1,032 Britons by the medical technology company Allurion, fewer than one in twenty say they consume wine, beer, or spirits daily.

A decade ago, surveys estimated this proportion to be approximately one in ten.

The new survey, which interviewed 1,000 citizens of seven countries, also revealed that the British consume alcohol less frequently than our European neighbors.

We consume less alcohol (but still get drunk).
We consume less alcohol (but still get drunk).

Nine percent of the French, sixteen percent of the Italians, and fifteen percent of the Spanish consume alcohol daily.

According to another study, the United Kingdom still consumes the most alcohol in one session.

A global survey from 2019 indicated that Brits get drunk more frequently than any other nation, on average once every week.

Sprinters pull up your socks!

Runners are familiar with the runner’s stomach, which is characterized by cramps, nausea, and diarrhea brought on by strenuous exertion. However, my compression socks avert this.

The exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome occurs when blood is redirected from the gut to the leg muscles while running, depleting the gut of nutrition and oxygen.

Researchers from Australia recruited 46 runners for a marathon and encouraged half of them to wear socks that help drive blood up the legs.

We consume less alcohol (but still get drunk).

Blood tests detecting a protein signaling gut inflammation, done before and after the race, revealed that the protein levels of individuals who did not wear the socks increased by an average of 107 percent 24 hours after the race, compared to 38 percent for those who wore socks.

Obese women are significantly more prone than normal-weight women to experience severe side effects from the contraceptive Pill.

An estimated 12 out of every 10,000 women who take the combination pill for a year have venous thromboembolism, a dangerous blood clot in a vein. Now, according to an analysis conducted by Italian experts, the risk is 24 times greater for individuals with obesity than for those with a healthy weight.

The researchers explain that those who are overweight are already at a higher risk of blood clots, regardless of whether they use the Pill, and that the extra boost of the female sex hormone estrogen can thicken the blood, so raising the risk.

According to the experts, progesterone-only pills may be safer for these individuals.

To relieve strain on GPs and hospitals, “end-of-life doulas” are being offered to terminally sick patients in Leeds.

GP Gill Pottinger stated that doulas, who provide non-medical support, were useful for patients who chose to die at home but had no family nearby.

Emma Clare, the director of End of Life Doula UK, stated, “We may provide emotional support for one client and administrative assistance for another.” This might range from assisting with planning to refusing treatment to establishing a power of attorney.

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