The ORGASM-stricken woman: 45-year-aorta old’s leaked during climax with husband, doctors claim.

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By Creative Media News

In a new case report, doctors explain that a lady nearly died after an orgasm.

The ‘boom’ she felt in her chest during intercourse was a life-threatening arterial rupture.

The 45-year-old woman was having sexual relations with her husband while her knees were “forced against her chest.”

When she climaxed, she felt a bizarre popping feeling, which was accompanied by a quick, piercing pain near her heart.

The orgasm-stricken woman: 45-year-aorta old's leaked during climax with husband, doctors claim.
The orgasm-stricken woman: 45-year-aorta old's leaked during climax with husband, doctors claim.

When she arrived at her local hospital in Mississippi, tests revealed that her blood pressure was 220/140 mmHg.

Doctors discovered a leak in her aorta, the main blood-carrying artery with a diameter of over an inch.

Her illness, known medically as aortic intramural hematoma, can result in a complete aortic tear if left untreated, which kills up to 40 percent of patients immediately.

It develops in a region of the aorta that has deteriorated over time, which can be caused by excessive blood pressure.

High-intensity weightlifting is a known risk factor because of the increased blood vessel pressure it causes.

According to her treating physicians, sex can also make a weaker aorta susceptible to leaking.

She was released three days after receiving blood pressure-lowering medication.

However, doctors at Merit Health Wesley in Hattiesburg cautioned that the unusual source of her condition may have prevented her from receiving a prompt diagnosis and avoiding long-term problems.

The case involving the woman was published in the American Journal of Case Reports.

At the time of the injury, her back grew hot and she felt a constriction in her chest, causing her to feel terrified and queasy.

The unidentified woman was brought to the hospital, where she reported that her pain level was 10 out of 10.

To alleviate her agony, morphine and fentanyl were administered.

Dr. William Bryan Bishop III and the team questioned her about her medical history, which revealed that she had been a smoker for over a decade.

The combination of high blood pressure and accelerated heart rates, such as those caused by sex, can cause an aortic rupture.

It typically happens exclusively in regions of the blood vessel that have already been significantly compromised.

Untreated, up to fifty percent of patients have a complete aortic tear, which can be fatal in an instant, and the chance of death increases by one percent per hour.

Loss of blood flow causes organs such as the brain, kidneys, and even the heart to receive less oxygen, which can be fatal.

A full tear, also known as aortic dissection, is extremely uncommon, with only five to thirty instances per million people per year. It is more prevalent in men over the age of 60.

Emergency physicians swiftly convened with the surgical team, who determined that it would be best to administer medicine before doing surgery.

She did not need to undergo open-heart surgery, which is typically performed when the leak is closer to the heart.

The experts stated that the exceptional case of the woman can help physicians manage similar individuals in the future.

The authors said, ‘An aortic intramural hematoma in a 45-year-old woman during sexual activity, as observed in our patient, is not usually described.

Understanding the physiologic changes and stress of sexual activity, as well as how they affect hemodynamics, can aid in predicting unfavorable outcomes in patients with preexisting cardiovascular risk factors.

What is an aortic intramural hematoma and how does sexual activity cause them?

When blood leaks past the inner wall of the artery and becomes trapped by the outer wall, an aortic intramural hematoma occurs.

If the vessel is already compromised, high blood pressure and accelerated pulse rates, such as those generated by intercourse, might create a leak.

According to doctors, it is more likely to occur when someone is cheating, having sex with a prostitute, or masturbating.

Loss of blood flow reduces the oxygen supply to key organs such as the brain, kidneys, and heart, which can be fatal.

Untreated, up to fifty percent of patients have a complete aortic tear, which can be fatal in an instant, and the chance of death increases by one percent per hour.

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