Stick to a daily intake of one chicken breast and seven apples. Researchers believe that the diet could prevent 26 million premature deaths per year.

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By Creative Media News

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh advocate a daily intake of 350 calories of meat, dairy, and fish, which is roughly equivalent to one large chicken breast.

According to scientists, encouraging people to consume less meat and more fruits and vegetables could prevent 26 million premature deaths annually.

Stick to a daily intake of one chicken breast and seven apples. Researchers believe that the diet could prevent 26 million premature deaths per year.
Stick to a daily intake of one chicken breast and seven apples. Researchers believe that the diet could prevent 26 million premature deaths per year.

They estimate that people in G20 nations consume approximately 620 calories per day from animal products, which is roughly equivalent to two large beef burger patties.

Experts recommended that individuals consume 720 calories from fruits and vegetables. For example, an apple, a banana, and two peppers each contain approximately 100 calories.

According to them, a change in eating habits would reduce deaths associated with obesity, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

The proposal’s proponents, who also recycle the debatable claim that reducing meat consumption is good for the environment, argue that policymakers should use Covid recovery plans to encourage people to eat healthier.

Aimen Sattar, one of the study’s researchers, stated that the analysis demonstrates the ‘dramatic benefit’ of improving diets.

It is believed that a poor diet — defined as eating too much salt and not enough whole grains, fruit, vegetables, omega-3, nuts, and seeds — causes 11 million deaths worldwide each year from diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and colorectal cancer.

Reducing meat consumption has also been associated with delaying death.

Academics from Edinburgh modeled four different Covid recovery scenarios to examine the impact of implementing policies to promote healthier diets.

According to the findings, which were published in The Lancet Planetary Health, a shift toward a more plant-based diet could prevent 2,583 premature deaths per million people by 2060.

With the global population expected to surpass 10 billion by 2060, this would result in up to 26 million fewer deaths in that year alone.

Under this plan, individuals consumed 2,400 calories per day, with 820 of those calories coming from whole grain foods such as wheat and corn.

720 calories came from fruits and vegetables, while 350 calories came from meat, poultry, and eggs.

The remainder was derived from oils and pulses, sugar, and starchy tubers such as potatoes.

In contrast, recovery plans centered solely on restoring economic activity to pre-pandemic levels could result in an additional 780 deaths per million people by 2060, or nearly 8 million per year.

This model assumed that people consumed a diet consisting primarily of whole-grain products (900), animal products (620), and oil and pulses (2,600 calories per day) (492).

According to the calculations, the transition to healthier diets also reduced the use of nitrogen fertilizer by 40 million tonnes and water for fields by 400 square kilometers.

According to the researchers, this is because consuming less meat requires less land for farming and animal feed, while also reducing the loss of biodiversity and natural land.

Mr. Sattar, a doctoral student who participated in the study, stated, “The Covid recovery stimulus packages present an opportunity to reduce the impact of the food system on some of the most urgent global challenges.”

According to the National Health Service, an average man requires 2,500 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. This equals roughly 2,000 per day for the average woman.

• Consume at least five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. All fresh, frozen, dehydrated, and canned fruits and vegetables are included.

• Base meals on whole-grain potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, or other starchy carbohydrates

• 30 grams of fiber per day is equivalent to consuming all of the following: Five servings of fruits and vegetables, two whole-wheat cereal biscuits, two thick slices of wholemeal bread, and a large baked potato with the skin.

• Consume dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soy beverages), selecting options with less fat and sugar

• Consume some legumes, fish, eggs, meat, and other protein sources (including 2 portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily)

• Opt for unsaturated oils and spreads, and consume in moderation

• Consume 6 to 8 cups/glasses of water per day

• Adults should consume less than 6g of sodium and 20g of saturated fat per day for women and 30g per day for men.

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