Las Vegas man, 30, eats raw lamb, rabbit, and octopus after giving up cooked meat after acid trip.

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By Creative Media News

A man from Las Vegas disclosed that, following an acid trip, he adopted a raw meat-only diet, which he claims has made him stronger and smarter.

Rusty McEntire, a flight attendant from Las Vegas, loved his steak to be extremely rare and used to sample raw meat before cooking.

In contrast, eight years ago he decided to take the jump and ate an entire raw bison ribeye steak, which left him feeling ‘energized.’

Since then, Mr. McEntire, age 30, has adhered to a Neanderthal-inspired diet consisting of raw meat, fish, and even strange species such as octopi.

He claims to consume between 3,000 and 4,000 calories every day, which includes two pounds of raw beef and frequently posts social media videos of himself devouring his food.

Mr. McEntire stated of his first experience, “I may have been coming down from an acid trip, but it was one of the most energizing moments of my life.”

Las Vegas man, 30, eats raw lamb, rabbit, and octopus after giving up cooked meat after acid trip.

He stated, “When I have a large quantity of any type of raw meat, I truly experience an increase in energy and concentration.”

It could be a mental thing, but when I come off my raw diet, I feel significantly more lethargic than while I’m on it.

Mr. McEntire stated that he adopted a raw meat diet out of worry that he was losing key nutrients during cooking.

However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), meat should be cooked to destroy disease-causing bacteria.

Cooking beef softens its fibers, making it simpler to chew and digest.

Additionally, cooking improves nutrient absorption, and a 2011 Harvard study indicated that cooked beef offers more energy than raw meat.

Mr. McEntire notes that he is neither a physician nor a nutritionist and that he has gained his knowledge via his studies and experience.

He avoids lower-quality meat by purchasing grass-fed meat rather than uncooked steaks from shops like Walmart.

He receives online hatred for his carnivorous diet, including remarks such as “You’re a moron” and “Enjoy your parasites,” but it does not upset him and he is content with his decision.

Some of his family and friends concur with the trolls, describing his diet as “savage,” “feral,” and “extremely extreme.”

However, his family is largely accepting, with his mother often consuming raw meat.

And raw meat is not Mr. McEntire’s only peculiar food preference. He also consumes raw, unpasteurized milk.

Pasteurization eliminates potentially harmful germs in milk, and the sale of raw milk is prohibited in several U.S. states.

Federally, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits the interstate sale or distribution of raw milk, but in Mr. McEntire’s home state of Nevada, the selling of raw milk is permitted.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, raw milk and its products pose “serious health hazards, including death.

However, Mr. McEntire believes that consuming and drinking raw foods has significant health benefits.

He argues that it is a “healthier alternative” to pasteurized milk and that it is only outlawed in some jurisdictions because “some people’s systems can’t handle it.”

He stated, “Raw milk is virtually the only type I consume, and I have never been unwell as a result.

It has been suggested that the availability of omega-3 fatty acids and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in fish and raw meat is what caused the man to evolve from the ape and develop a higher IQ.

In some societies, such as Inuit villages, it is standard practice to eat raw meat.

Igunaq is the practice of burying meat underground so it can fester for several months.

Botulism, a bacterial toxin, can cause illness or even death if the food is improperly cooked.

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