Jogging can inspire couples to better sex lives.

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By Creative Media News

  • Jogging enhances sexual arousal.
  • Physical activity boosts hormones.
  • Improves mood and confidence.

Jogging may be a significant aphrodisiac for couples seeking to enhance their sexual life, displacing oysters and champagne.

A health expert claims that an evening jog, bike ride, swim, or vigorous walk can reignite a sexual spark.

Physical activity increases testosterone and blood flow, which can heighten arousal in both men and women.

A short run around the block can induce endorphins that elevate one’s mood and override the fatigue that causes partners to choose television or sleep over intimate activity.

Professor Amanda Daley of Loughborough University, whose guidance was published online by the university’s Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour, stated, “Men and women who engage in moderate physical activity on a weekly basis have a greater likelihood of engaging in sexual activity than those who do not.”

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People’s motivation for sexual activity may be affected by how they feel, and gaining muscle mass and fitness may also boost their sexual confidence.

‘Cuddle hormone’ oxytocin and ‘happy’ hormones endorphins and serotonin are elevated by physical activity. These hormones also promote a sense of physical proximity with loved ones, thereby increasing arousal.

By counteracting stress hormones such as cortisol, which are produced during demanding activities like childcare or work. These hormones can enhance the ability to induce sexual desire.

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