Doctor warns Ozempic increases risk 900 percent

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By Creative Media News

  • Doctor warns Ozempic has alarming side effects, including bowel obstructions
  • Weight loss medication Ozempic linked to fatal pancreas inflammation risk
  • Physician criticizes Ozempic’s potency, cost, and long-term dependency

A renowned physician has cautioned that Ozempic is not a panacea and has characterised its adverse effects as “terrifying” and “quite alarming.”

Given the monthly prescription of weight reduction medication to millions of Americans, nutrition expert Dr. Mark Hyman predicts that even more unintended consequences will eventually become apparent.

This week on a podcast, the New York physician, who has authored books promoting the advantages of a plant-based diet, expressed concern over two aspects of Ozempic and its sister medications.

The initial issue was bowel obstructions, which occur when food becomes lodged in the intestines and, if untreated, can obstruct blood flow and be fatal.

The second was potentially fatal inflammation of the pancreas.

At least one of the 2023 fatalities was a female who was diagnosed with an “intestinal mass.”

Dr Hyman stated on the Diary of a CEO podcast, “The side effect profile is frightening because [Ozempic] causes bowel obstruction, which is no laughing matter; the likelihood that your bowels will become immobile is increased by 450 percent.”

The incidence of pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, is 900 per cent higher.

Dr. Hyman seemed to be alluding to a study from the University of British Columbia which discovered semaglutide users had a 9.1-fold increased risk of developing pancreatic inflammation, a condition that may necessitate surgical intervention.

This was in contrast to individuals who utilised bupropion-naltrexone, an alternative weight loss medication marketed under brand names including Contrave and comprising distinct constituents.

Dr. Hyman further stated, “These are not inconsequential matters; therefore, I believe that the drug’s repercussions will only intensify the longer it remains on the market.”

“Moreover, I believe it overlooks the fundamental issue, which is how do we resolve the problem?”

Life-threatening complications, such as organ failure, can occur in one out of every five cases of severe pancreatitis.

The warning label for Ozempic was revised by health authorities in September 2023 to include the potential for ileus, which is a bowel obstruction characterised by the blockage of portions or the entirety of the intestines.

This can result in the cessation of blood circulation to the organs, ultimately causing tissue demise.

Although uncommon, severe cases of ileus may result in a perforation or tear in the bowel, which could cause gastric juices to seep into the body, according to medical professionals. According to health professionals, the condition may result in a mortality rate of as high as one in ten cases.

The drug may induce the condition, according to physicians, because it functions by impeding the transit of food via the gastrointestinal tract, thereby prolonging satiety.

Mr Hyman stated that the injectable medication Ozempic is “effective” but acknowledged that it can be “extremely potent.”

He acknowledged that using Ozempic to lose weight was effective, but that it came at a financial and medical cost, and that once you began taking it, you were essentially obligated to continue using it indefinitely; otherwise, the weight would simply return.

“Here’s the rub,” Dr. Hyman explained, “It’s expensive, you have to take it forever, and the majority of people are unaware that you lose muscle in addition to fat.”

“It’s terrifying to think that they’re considering giving it to five-year-olds, yet nobody is discussing the negative aspects.”

Dr. Hyman compared the product to Viagra when he described how it was able to produce such dramatic weight loss results: “Ozempic is effective (because) it works with a natural component of your biology… but the drug’s effect is extremely potent.”

It initially was prescribed for the treatment of diabetes and now controls appetite, weight, and insulin function. Thus, it effectively aids in the regulation of blood sugar; however, it causes weight loss as a side effect. It was comparable to how we investigated Viagra for its impact on blood pressure but discovered that it also assisted men in attaining erections.

“There are currently two billion overweight people in the world; therefore, if you take this injection, your appetite will be suppressed and you will feel less hungry.”

Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical corporation, manufactures Ozempic, which has gained widespread celebrity endorsement, including that of Sharon Osbourne.

According to Dr. Hyman, while it is available as a prescription-only medication in the United Kingdom and the United States, the monthly cost in America is exorbitant, reaching $1,700.

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The physician has been a columnist for The Huffington Post, a regular contributor on the Katie Couric Show, and an expert witness before US Senate committees.

“When you cease it, the weight gain returns unless you drastically alter your lifestyle,” he continued. ” Therefore, it is not a programme for altering one’s lifestyle or habits; rather, it is a pharmacological appetite suppressant straight jacket that may prove to be efficacious.

If certain individuals require it, then they require it. It could be acceptable for some extremely obese individuals to forgo a gastric bypass if they so choose.

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