Britain’s pesticide-laced Bread: 50% of store loaves contain two bug-killing agents.

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By Creative Media News

Official testing has discovered that fifty percent of store bread has two or more pesticides, which is double the amount identified a year before.

Eleven distinct pesticides were detected in white and brown bread, crumpets, scones, and muffins during inspections.

According to the most recent statistics given by the UK government, little under one-third of vegetables (30%) and more than two-thirds of fruits (69%) contained residues of more than one chemical.

Britain's pesticide-laced bread: 50% of store loaves contain two bug-killing agents.
Britain's pesticide-laced bread: 50% of store loaves contain two bug-killing agents.

Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN UK) discovered a total of 137 distinct pesticide residues on all food, several of which were connected to severe chronic health impacts.

It has developed a list of twelve fruits and vegetables that are most likely to contain several pesticides, with grapes and grapefruit at the top.

Nick Mole, a police officer, stated that greater action was required to combat the rising pesticide levels in our food.

More than 90 percent of grapes, 70 percent of bananas, and more than 60 percent of berries were also found to contain various pesticide residues.

Nearly half of the pesticides discovered were illegal in the United Kingdom, implying that they were imported.

Pesticide laced bread
Wheat fields harvesting. Shallow dof. Developed from raw; retouched with special care and attention; small amount of grain added for best final impression. 16 bit adobe rgb color profile.

As a result of the rising cost of living, people are spending less on food, thus it’s crucial that customers can trust that relatively inexpensive products like bread do not expose them to unsafe chemical mixes.

14 distinct pesticides were identified on grapes, 13 on raspberries, and 12 on peppers in tests conducted on fruit and vegetables.

Mr. Mole continued, “There is a growing body of information indicating that pesticides might become more dangerous when combined.”

“Yet we continue to establish safety standards for a single chemical at a time.

We do not know the long-term effects of ingesting minute quantities of hundreds of different substances.

We choose to play Russian roulette with the health of the populace.

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