Annie Macmanus says music industry has ‘tidal wave’ of sexual assaults.

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By Creative Media News

  1. Annie Macmanus Warns of a “Tidal Wave” of Sexual Assault Revelations in the Music Industry
  2. Challenges Faced by Women in the Male-Dominated Music Industry
  3. Singer Rebecca Ferguson Highlights Bullying, Corruption, and Unreported Assaults in the Music Industry

Annie Macmanus told MPs that there is a “tidal wave” of sexual assault revelations due to be made in the music industry.

A House of Commons committee heard from the broadcaster and author that “unbelievable” stories remain unheard.

She stated that the music industry is “a boys’ club” and that “the system is somewhat biased against women.”

She added that many women fear for their careers if they speak out against misconduct or power violations.

The DJ formerly known as Annie Mac stated to the Women and Equalities Committee, “There needs to be a shift in women’s perception of their ability to speak out without compromising their careers.”

“I have no idea how that could occur. I feel like there are a lot of revelations that have not been exposed, even just from the conversations that occurred for [the hearing] today.

“It’s infuriating how many women have stories of sexual assault that were buried and borne by society. It is simply preposterous.

“There could be a sort of tidal surge of it if something were to occur, such as if a high-profile individual were to make a statement that garnered media attention. Without a doubt.”

Macmanus explained that she had not personally experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct, but that her 19 years at the BBC had provided her with a “shield of protection” to discuss such matters.

She reported speaking with a “vast array” of female agents, managers, producers, photographers, artists, and DJs.

“There are common threads that run through everything I’ve heard,” she said. Women, particularly young women in the music industry, are consistently underestimated and devalued, and freelance women are consistently placed in hazardous situations.

An musician went to a tavern with a record label executive who implored her not to go home. He then sexually assaulted her when they went out into the street,” she said.

Macmanus stated that many women had expressed “a general sense of feeling unsafe” in venues dominated by males.

“The music industry is dominated by men. In the highest echelons, everyone knows everyone else. Everyone at the very highest levels is wealthy. They also possess authority. The system is somewhat biased against women.

Rebecca Ferguson, a musician and former X Factor contestant, appeared before MPs investigating music business harassment.

“Misogyny in music is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the things that are happening behind the scenes,” Ferguson told them.

She stated that “bullying and corruption are permitted” and that males in senior positions had asked security personnel to “infiltrate and ruin my romantic relationships on purpose.

“I witnessed other performers being encouraged to exchange sexual messages with one another,” she continued.

She told the members of parliament, There are numerous instances in which you are compromised and individuals abuse their position of authority.

In addition to this, the thing that concerns me the most is the unreported assaults. Concerning me the most is the fact that women believe they cannot speak out.

“One woman contacted me and said, ‘I’ve longed to do this my whole life. If I oppose him, he is so potent that I will never work in this industry again.”

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