Will Ferrell on Elf and altering a Dickens Christmas classic with Ryan Reynolds in Spirited

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By Creative Media News

Spirited is a musical rendition of A Christmas Carol featuring Will Ferrell as the ghost of Christmas present, Octavia Spencer as his love interest, and Ryan Reynolds as the unscrupulous boss of a PR business.

Christmas is approaching, and it is time to get into the “spirit” of the season by watching holiday-themed flicks!

Ryan Reynolds co-stars alongside Will Ferrell and Octavia Spencer in Spirited, a remake of Charles Dickens’.

A version of the narrative never before seen

Spirited is the most recent rendition of A Christmas Carol, featuring Will Ferrell and Octavia Spencer as the ghost of Christmas present and his love interest, respectively. However, Ferrell informed that this is an untold version of the story.

“Sean Anders and John Morris, our writer and director duo – Sean has always liked A Christmas Carol and he sees it every year, but they were talking about it and thought, ‘Oh, wouldn’t it be interesting to see how they planned the ghost every year, like what goes on behind the scenes?'”

Ferrell believes that they would not have been interested in the picture if it had not added a new spin to the traditional story.

Will ferrell on elf and altering a dickens christmas classic with ryan reynolds in spirited
Will ferrell on elf and altering a dickens christmas classic with ryan reynolds in spirited

“The fact that it is a musical and irreverent… We even make a joke about the fact that there have been so many variations “he said.

All of these thrown-in components were the reason we wanted to do this.

It allowed Octavia Spencer to do something she does not typically do.

The actress stated, “I’ve got to tell you, Christmas, from October 31st, Halloween, to January 2nd, is my favorite time of year.”

“It was not difficult to get into the Christmas spirit in Boston during the summer because there were Christmas trees and decorations everywhere – it was incredible.

However, due to the nature of our profession, very few of us are ever employed during the Christmas season; so, it was quite enjoyable to work on a Christmas-themed film.

Will ferrell on elf and altering a dickens christmas classic with ryan reynolds in spirited

Will Ferrell likes his link with Christmas due to his major part in Elf, which has been repurposed for this year’s Asda Christmas advertisement.

It is, if I may say so, the gift that keeps on giving!” he joked.

“No, I’m incredibly flattered – when I think and talk about Elf and think about from when we filmed the film, and I had times on the set wondering, ‘Oh, is anyone going to find this funny?’ Is this going to be strange? A gentleman dressed as an elf?’

“It’s fantastic to see where it’s gone and how it’s become part of the Christmas zeitgeist, whether in the United States or the United Kingdom.”

Ferrell is also a major Eurovision fan, but he claims he cannot pick between the song contest and the holiday season.

“Oh, I suppose they are both thrilling, yes? There are vibrant costumes… That is a difficult choice, “he added.

“I have no idea, it’s Sophie’s Choice.”

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