The iconic show debuted on Broadway in 1988 and has been a mainstay in New York’s theatre district ever since. However, while it has survived recessions, terrorism, and audience adjustments, the pandemic recovery may have been one obstacle it could not overcome.
The Phantom Of The Opera ended its record-breaking 35-year Broadway run.
The longest-running show on Broadway, which tells the story of a disfigured ghost who haunts a Paris opera house and falls in love with a vocalist there, concluded its final performance with a standing ovation and gold confetti.
After Sunday’s final performance in New York, current and former cast members joined Andrew Lloyd Webber and his production collaborator Cameron Macintosh on stage to reprise The Music Of The Night.
Lloyd Webber dedicated the final performance to his 43-year-old son Nick, who died last month from illness.
“He heard some of this music when he was a child,” he said.
“When Andrew was writing it, he was right there,” said original Christine and ex-wife Sarah Brightman. Thus, his offspring is present. We adore you very much, Nick.”
Macintosh addressed the rumors that the program could return in the future and stated, “The one question I’m constantly asked is, ‘Will the Phantom return?'”
After 55 years as a producer, Phantom is the best musical revival.
Therefore, it is only a matter of time.
In addition to video presentations from previous Phantoms, Christines, and Raouls, the stalls were populated with the likes of Glenn Close and Lin-Manuel Miranda, among others.
By the time it closed, 13,981 performances of the production had taken place.
Lloyd Webber stated on Saturday that the show “probably” cost around £800,000 per week to operate due to its large orchestra, performers, and elaborate costumes and sets.
As “only the composer,” the 75-year-old composer doesn’t know if the piece will return to New York like Macintosh.
The closure leaves Lloyd Webber with only one show continuing on Broadway: Bad Cinderella, his updated production of the abruptly closed West End musical Cinderella.
Chicago is now the longest-running active play on Broadway, followed by Disney’s The Lion King.
During coronation weekend, Her Majesty’s Theatre will rename The Phantom Of The Opera.