Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting sue over ‘sexual assault’ in 1968 picture.

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By Creative Media News

The Oscar-winning 1968 film Romeo and Juliet’s cast are suing Paramount Pictures for sexual abuse over a sequence in which they appeared nude.

Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey were adolescents at the time of filming.

In a new lawsuit, 70-year-old English actors allege that director Franco Zeffirelli encouraged them to perform nude scenes despite assurances that they would not be required to do so.

The two actors are demanding damages over $500 million (£415 million) based on the pain they claim to have endured. And the earnings generated by the picture since its premiere.

Olivia hussey and leonard whiting sue over 'sexual assault' in 1968 picture.
Olivia hussey and leonard whiting sue over 'sexual assault' in 1968 picture.

They claim that Zeffirelli, who passed away in 2019, first instructed them to wear underwear of a flesh tone for the bedroom scene.

But on the morning of the filming, they claim the director instructed them to wear only body makeup. And assured them that the camera would be positioned so as not to reveal their nakedness.

During the moment in the finished film, Whiting’s naked buttocks and Hussey’s bare breasts were briefly displayed.

Paramount has not yet responded officially to the allegation.

The pair allege in their lawsuit that Zeffirelli informed them they must act in the nude “or the film would flop” and their careers would suffer. The actors “believed they had no choice but to perform in a nude state with body makeup”

When the picture was shot, Whiting was 16 and is now 72, while Hussey was 15 and is now 71.

The two individuals are suing Paramount for sexual assault, sexual harassment, and fraud.

The lawsuit accuses the Hollywood studio of using the two underage actors sexually and sharing nude photos of adolescents.

According to the court complaint, Whiting and Hussey have experienced emotional distress. And mental suffering for decades as a result of their treatment.

Since its release, the video has been shown to generations of students studying the Shakespeare play.

It was nominated for four Academy Awards, including best director and best film. And won two – for cinematography and costume design.

Multitude of new lawsuits

The complaint was filed on Friday in Santa Monica Superior Court under a California statute that has temporarily postponed the statute of limitations for child sex abuse, which ordinarily prohibits legal action after a specific period has passed.

The suspension has resulted in a multitude of new lawsuits and the reopening of numerous previously dismissed cases.

Tony Marinozzi, the business manager for the two actors, told Variety that what they were told. And what transpired were two different things.

“They had faith in Franco. As 16-year-old actors, they followed his lead so that he would not breach their confidence. Franco was their friend, and at sixteen, what else could they do? There are no alternatives. There was no #MeToo movement.”

Solomon Green, the pair’s attorney, added in a statement: “Images of kids without clothing are illegal and should not be displayed.

“In the 1960s, they were young, naive youngsters who had no idea what was about to hit them.

Additionally, they were violated in a manner they were unable to cope with.

In an interview with Variety published in 2018, Hussey defended the nude scene.

“No one my age had ever done it before,” she remarked, adding that Zeffirelli’s cinematography was tasteful. It was required for the movie.

In a separate interview with Fox News, also recorded in 2018. She stated that the scene was forbidden in the United States. Although nudity was prevalent in European films at the time.

She stated, “It wasn’t that big of a deal.” “And Leonard was not at all timid! While filming, I completely forgot that I was unclothed.”

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