First time Pakistan uses artificial rain to fight smog

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By Creative Media News

  • Lahore tests artificial rain
  • UAE aids with cloud seeding
  • Pollution addressed through innovation

On Saturday, regions surrounding Lahore were traversed by aircraft equipped with cloud-seeding equipment, which increases the likelihood of precipitation by promoting the formation of clouds.

Pakistan has implemented artificial precipitation for the first time to combat hazardous levels of pollution.

Saturday saw the flight over areas of Lahore of aircraft carrying cloud-seeding equipment, which promotes the formation of clouds and increases precipitation.

Air pollution in the megacity in eastern Pakistan is frequently ranked among the worst in the globe.

Punjab temporary chief minister Mohsin Naqvi told Al Jazeera that at least ten Lahore regions received rain.

He stated that authorities were observing the effects of man-made precipitation within a nine-mile (15-kilometer) radius.

Mr. Naqvi stated that the United Arab Emirates was responsible for the “gift” of artificial rain, adding, “Teams and two aircraft from the UAE arrived in this region approximately ten to twelve days ago.” Forty pyrotechnics were employed to generate the precipitation.

The United Arab Emirates has become more reliant on cloud seeding to induce precipitation across its arid expanse.

Artificial rain or blue-skying is a technique in which silver iodide, an element with an ice-like structure, is deposited into clouds to promote the formation of condensation that ultimately results in rain.

Rain is, according to experts, an effective means of reducing pollution.

Saturday in Lahore, levels of PM2.5 pollutants, which are cancer-causing microparticles that infiltrate the bloodstream through the lungs, were deemed hazardous at over 66 times the World Health Organization’s danger limits.

Recent years have seen an escalation in Pakistan’s air pollution issue. This is due to low-grade diesel emissions, smoke from seasonal crop burnings, and colder winter temperatures.

Mr. Naqvi stated that man-made precipitation would be utilized more frequently in the city. Additionally, there would be the deployment of smog structures, which are constructed to capture pollution.

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