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Reeves is likely to expose a public finance shortfall of billions

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An assessment of public spending pressures will reveal accusations of a "black hole" worth tens of billions of pounds by the new administration. Chancellor Rachel Reeves said she will make a presentation to Parliament on Monday that is "honest" about the nature of the problem before the new Labour government. She promised to "fix the mess we inherited," but refused to confirm reports that the "black hole" amounted to more than £20 billion per year.

Barack Obama backs Kamala Harris for 2024 US president

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Barack Obama has backed Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee, ensuring that the vice president has the support of all of the party's politically active high-profile figures in her White House run. Following Joe Biden's decision to withdraw from the campaign, the former president pointedly withheld his endorsement, leading to initial speculation that he supported an open nomination process at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month.

Harris urges Netanyahu ‘it is time’ to cease the conflict in Gaza

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US Vice President Kamala Harris, who is likely to be the Democratic contender in the November presidential election, has held "frank and constructive" conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Ms. Harris took a stronger tone than President Joe Biden, expressing her "serious concerns" about losses in Gaza and warning Mr. Netanyahu that how Israel defended itself was important.

Government stats show greatest drink-drive deaths since 2009

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Drink-driving deaths on British roads have reached a 13-year high, according to government estimates. According to the most recent Department for Transport data, an estimated 300 persons were killed in collisions involving at least one driver who exceeded the legal alcohol limit in 2022. That is up from 260 the previous year, and it is the biggest yearly total since 2009 when 380 deaths occurred.

Sunak rejected the advice to free convicts early, while PM

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Rishi Sunak's Downing Street team rejected suggestions a year ago to seek early release of prisoners who had served less than half their sentences to alleviate prison overcrowding problems. The suggestions were discussed inside No. 10 in June 2023, and Keir Starmer's government endorsed a version two weeks ago. According to insiders, Ministry of Justice officials asked No 10 to formally explore the move again in July 2023, this time in writing. However, it was rejected because Sunak's aides feared Tory backbenchers would oppose it.

release prisoners the ‘childless cat ladies’ statement

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Jennifer Aniston has slammed Donald Trump's vice-presidential nominee, JD Vance, for resurfacing comments calling Democrats a "bunch of childless cat ladies with miserable lives." The Friends actress, 55, tweeted a 2021 interview with Mr Vance, extensively circulated since his nomination as Mr Trump's running mate in the November presidential election. I can't believe this comes from a prospective United States Vice President, she commented on Instagram.

Ten die in Panama river as migration hazards rise

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Ten individuals have perished in a river near Panama's border with Colombia, according to Panamanian border police, as the rainy season heightens the risks for migrants and asylum seekers along a standard migration route. The bodies were discovered in riverbed tributaries near the rural Carreto village, according to the National Border Service (SENAFRONT) on Wednesday. The town is located on the Caribbean Sea and is part of the Guna Yala Autonomous Indigenous Territory.

UK obtains a seabed land agreement to boost wind farms

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The Crown Estate's British seabed will be utilized to assist in developing wind farms as part of the UK's ambition to increase its energy independence. It's the first major statement from Great British Energy, Labour's new publicly owned energy firm. The company aims to increase renewable energy projects, supported by £8.3 billion in public investment and a windfall tax on oil and gas companies. Energy Secretary Ed Miliband stated that the project would "lead to lower bills" for homeowners.

How might Trump affect Netanyahu?

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In 2021, former US President Donald Trump informed Israeli journalist Barak Ravid that his relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu had deteriorated after the Israeli prime minister congratulated Joe Biden on winning the 2020 US presidential election. "F*** him," Trump stated during the interview. "I liked Bibi," Trump admitted at the time. I still like Bibi. But I also enjoy loyalty.

Fatah and Hamas improve Palestinian unity after China talks

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Previous discussions collapsed owing to the organizations' power struggles and the West's determination to support any administration, including Hamas until it recognized Israel. Fatah and Hamas leaders have signed a declaration aimed at bringing an end to years of hostility. Following negotiations in Beijing led by China's foreign minister, they announced plans to establish a unity government with other factions.

Trump shooting leads Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign

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The head of the United States Secret Service is resigning over the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, following days of rising pressure and criticism for failing to prevent the gunfire. According to the Associated Press, on Tuesday, Kimberly Cheatle announced her resignation via email to staff. Cheatle has been under calls from US politicians to quit as doubts remain over security standards at Trump's July 13 rally in Pennsylvania, when the former President and Republican presidential contender was shot in the ear.

Ethiopia landslide rescuers retrieve 229 dead from the muck

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Rescuers have so far recovered the bodies of 229 persons killed in two landslides in southern Ethiopia. The landslides happened on Sunday evening and Monday early, following heavy rainfall in a remote mountainous section of the Gofa zone. The local government stated that the hunt for survivors was "ongoing vigorously," but that the "death toll could still rise."

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