Russia News

Dive deep into Russia news, from its political landscape to cultural insights, with unbiased reporting by Creative Media News.

Russia says The West calls Ukraine’s “dirty bomb” “nuclear blackmail.”

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As Russian soldiers risk being routed in the south near the city of Kherson, Moscow has hinted, without evidence, that ...

Ukrainians are instructed to “charge everything” as Russia attacks the power grid

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The national energy provider of Ukraine has warned its citizens to “charge everything” by Thursday at 07:00 (04:00 GMT) because ...

Warplane crashes into Russian apartment block killing 13 people.

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This was the tenth reported non-combat crash of a Russian warplane since the invasion of Ukraine approximately eight months ago. ...

Russian attacks cause power outages throughout Ukraine

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Russian forces have once again targeted energy infrastructure in Ukraine, leaving parts of Kyiv and other cities without power and ...

Putin says he has “no regrets” about the Ukraine war and warns of a “global disaster” if NATO attacks.

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Following rumors of Vladimir Putin’s willingness to negotiate a temporary peace agreement with Kyiv, the Russian president stated that mediation ...

Russia running out of weaponry due to “staggering” deaths, intelligence head warns.

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In a rare public address today, Sir Jeremy Fleming, the chief of GCHQ, will assert that the Ukrainian armed forces ...

Zelenskyy pledges to make Russian forces’ battlefield ‘more unpleasant’ after another day of deadly rocket assaults on Ukraine.

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Air defense is the “number one priority,” according to the leader of Ukraine after thousands of people spent Monday in ...

Putin accused Ukraine of terrorism in relation to the Crimea bridge.

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President Vladimir Putin of Russia has accused Ukraine of committing an “act of terrorism” by destroying the bridge leading to ...

Russian-Crimean bridge reopens after explosion damage

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Officials from Ukraine have often threatened to strike the Kerch Bridge, and some have praised the attack, but Kyiv has ...

Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia activists are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

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A jailed activist from Belarus, along with two organizations from Ukraine and Russia, was given the Nobel Peace Prize for ...

Ukraine finds ‘awful torture cell’ in Russian-free town

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According to the Ukrainian National Security Service, investigations are currently underway. During their invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces have already ...

Vladimir Putin annexes four Ukrainian territories as Russian soldiers retreat.

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Ukrainian forces have continued to make substantial advances in Kherson Oblast while advancing simultaneously in Kharkiv and Luhansk Oblast. Vladimir ...

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