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Labour and Tories will ‘both leave NHS worse off than under austerity’

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After a white mist began to appear, residents near a chemical facility were advised to keep their windows and doors closed. South Wales Police issued the warning following the incident at Dow's facility in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. Firefighters responded with multiple crews and gave the same advice as police.

Rishi Sunak laughs at GP joke as heckler calls NHS ‘disintegrating’

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During a campaign engagement in Wiltshire, the prime minister is confronted with criticism regarding his policies. After a doctor shouted at him regarding the NHS's plight, Rishi Sunak laughed at a joke about GPs. On Friday, the prime minister was addressing a rally in Wiltshire when a woman, who is believed to be Dr Jane Lees-Millais, began to query government policies that involve patients being referred to other primary care staff instead of GPs.

Labour denies Starmer promised peerages for MP resignations

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Sir Keir Starmer has refuted allegations of a purging of left-wing candidates, which have dominated the Labour election campaign. Labour has refuted allegations that it provides peerages to former Labour MPs in exchange for their resignations to accommodate Sir Keir Starmer's selected candidates.

Starmer denies the purging of left-wing candidates

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Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has denied that his party is obstructing left-wing candidates as it works to ensure that a complete slate is in position for the general election on July 4. He expressed his desire for "the most exceptional candidates" to be considered during his speech in Monmouthshire. Diane Abbott, a seasoned Labour politician, has accused the party of conducting a "cull" of left-wing candidates.

Labour promises to’rebuild safety on Britain’s streets’ as Tories target VAT

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Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper will pledge to reinstate 13,000 neighborhood police officers and PCSOs "back on the beat" as Chancellor Jeremy Hunt directs his criticism towards Labour's tax proposals. As Labour concentrates on combating crime, they will pledge to "restore the presence of police in the community."

Sunak to double down on national service plan

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The prime minister reportedly intends to encourage employers to prioritize applications from individuals who have served in the military. Security is the "bedrock" of Labour's manifesto. Rishi Sunak is anticipated to persist in his controversial efforts to revive national service by advocating for employers to prioritize job applicants who have served in the military.

Conservatives propose forced national service

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The Conservatives would reinstate twelve months of mandatory national service if they secure the general election. Eighteen-year-olds would be able to apply for one of 30,000 full-time military placements or volunteer for community service on one weekend per month. According to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, reinstating compulsory service throughout the United Kingdom would contribute to cultivating the "national spirit" that arose during the pandemic.

Refusing National Service won’t lead to prison

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The Conservatives' inaugural policy commitment of the election campaign would allow teenagers to participate in military service or volunteer for a year. The home secretary has stated that under a Conservative government, no one would be sentenced to prison for refusing to participate in National Service.

Things Can Only Get Better after PM’s speech

Creative Media News

The 1993 track will have been audible in the background for those who were watching the prime minister's election announcement. Who was responsible for its performance, and why? Yesterday, Rishi Sunak's general election announcement was interrupted by the sudden blaring of a tune near No. 10. The prime minister's speech was not interrupted by the music, which may have led younger or less politically astute observers to believe that the tune was a component of his efforts to motivate the nation.

Starmer: Election is the awaited moment for change

Creative Media News

According to the Labour leader, he "humbly" requests that the public permit his party to "return Britain to the service of working people." According to Sir Keir Starmer, the "opportunity for change" will be the defining factor of the general election on July 4. The Labour leader stated that Rishi Sunak's announcement was the "moment the country has been waiting for and needs."

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