Health News

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Boots to sell private Covid vaccines for £100 each

Creative Media News

Boots will begin selling Covid injections privately to Britons the following week. Prior to this, the vaccinations were exclusively accessible through the National Health Service (NHS) in conjunction with the country's winter readiness and pandemic response. However, the high street chain will begin marketing single-dose Pfizer vaccines for £98.95 as part of a massive scheme overhaul.

12,000-year-old brains may redefine organ understanding

Creative Media News

Long believed by experts to be among the first organs to decompose and decay after death, recent research indicates this is not the case. Indeed, a group of scientists from Oxford University have determined that brains preserve pretty well; however, they are still determining how nearly one-third of the brains have endured for as long as they have.

Elon Musk defends prescribed ketamine for mental health

Creative Media News

Musk has defended his use of prescription ketamine to treat his "negative frame of mind," implying that Tesla's investors benefit from his drug use. During an occasionally tense interview with former CNN presenter Don Lemon, Musk disclosed that he finds the anaesthetic beneficial when a "negative chemical state" is present.

Daily apple cider vinegar shot may aid weight loss, diabetes

Creative Media News

"Apple cider vinegar is the subject of considerable interest, and based on my research, I am convinced that it is more than a fancy salad vinegar or an ancient home remedy," says Dr Darshna Yagnik, a lecturer in biomedical research at Middlesex University. Her remarks follow last week's report that ingesting one dose of it daily could facilitate weight loss.

Excessive mobile phone use risks children’s blindness, surgeons warn

Creative Media News

Leading ophthalmologists warn that an alarming number of children are at risk of developing blindness due to their excessive reliance on mobile phones for viewing purposes and insufficient time spent outdoors. In the United Kingdom, children as young as four are donning specialised contact lenses to combat the escalating issue of physicians increasingly diagnosing adolescents with the most severe form of myopia.

Czech Republic fights whooping cough outbreak

Creative Media News

The prevalence of whooping cough has increased throughout Europe, including the Czech Republic. Nonetheless, a week distinguished by uncertainty regarding official directives and a contentious public appearance by the mayor of Prague has caused some to question whether anything was gained from COVID-19. According to the Czech authorities, there were 28 documented cases of whooping cough in January.

Medics ration essential asthma medicine amid UK shortage

Creative Media News

Routing has been mandated for a life-saving medication prescribed to physicians for the treatment of severe asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis. NHS facilities have been impacted by a shortage of salbutamol liquid, which is used to sustain patients who are lifeless without medical intervention, throughout the United Kingdom.

Unprecedented abortion demand may overwhelm NHS, delay services

Creative Media News

A senior NHS official warns that some women are being forced to wait over three weeks for a termination due to the surge in demand, which is three times the recommended time frame. The demand for abortions in England and Wales has reached "unprecedented" levels, placing "great pressure" on NHS services, according to NHS England's chief delivery officer, Steve Russell.

Social care meltdown from unprecedented system strain

Creative Media News

A report warns that social care is under "intense pressure" and must be reformed because a record 2 million adults requested assistance last year. Despite increased requests over the last decade, local governments have received fewer applications for publicly-funded care. The King's Fund think tank's Social Care 360 report reveals that thousands of individuals struggle without the necessary assistance.

Fat girls as young as four have joint pain

Creative Media News

Girls as young as four are visiting the doctor with obesity-related joint problems. According to data compiled by the National Child Measurement Programme and general practitioner records on 120,000 children, females were nearly twice as likely as their peers to seek medical attention for musculoskeletal issues. Knee and back injuries were the most prevalent, with experts cautioning that they are the result of overbearing.

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