Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

Doctor warns Ozempic increases risk 900 percent

Creative Media News

A renowned physician has cautioned that Ozempic is not a panacea and has characterised its adverse effects as "terrifying" and "quite alarming." Given the monthly prescription of weight reduction medication to millions of Americans, nutrition expert Dr. Mark Hyman predicts that even more unintended consequences will eventually become apparent.

WHO criticized for false vaping seizure claim by fact-checkers

Creative Media News

The World Health Organization's assertion that vaping can induce seizures within hours drew criticism last night. Users' fact-checking of the international health organization on X prompted the social media platform to publish a Community Note. The note stated, "This post is supported by inconclusive evidence derived from unreviewed studies."

Scientists offer the best technique to stop stress-related anger

Creative Media News

Attempting to manage fury through running, deep breathing, or even sobbing into a pillow has been effective. However, according to new research, the wisest action may be to write down your reaction on paper and discard it. Scientists discovered the method was so effective that it eradicated feelings of wrath "virtually entirely."

Fitness pills that work and those that waste time

Creative Media News

Whether you are an experienced gym-goer or someone just beginning their fitness voyage, you have likely heard that supplements can enhance your workout. However, according to sports nutritionists, many of these energy and fat-burning supplements are extra and prohibitively expensive. According to them, supplementing your workout with a straightforward protein smoothie, banana, and a cup of coffee may be more effective.

Britons to get low-cost Alzheimer’s blood tests in trials

Creative Media News

Thousands of Britons will receive Alzheimer's blood tests at a reduced cost to reform the "shocking" diagnostic rates of the NHS. Researchers from Oxford and University College London will use tests to detect blood proteins associated with memory-robbing disease and other forms of dementia as part of two landmark clinical trials. Obtaining a formal diagnosis in the United Kingdom at this time requires invasive and painful lumbar punctures, brain scans, or mental aptitude tests.

NHS doctors lose 13.5M hours annually on computer issues

Creative Media News

NHS physicians waste 13.5 million hours annually rebooting computers and staring at loading displays. This is equivalent to employing 8,000 full-time medics for £1 billion. Physicians are concerned that deteriorating IT systems in hospitals and GP offices endanger lives, making access to medication and treatment records difficult or unattainable.

Meditation retreats lead to psychosis; two suicides reported

Creative Media News

After two Americans and one Canadian who attended a popular 10-day retreat committed suicide, authorities issued a warning about the severe mental health risks associated with intense meditation. All eight deaths were attributed to adverse reactions to the extreme psychological 'therapies' that they practised; two of the unfortunate individuals perished during the journey, and a third was discovered deceased ten weeks later.

Compare 5 egg varieties for Easter flavor, appearance, and dunkability

Creative Media News

Regardless of whether they are chocolate eggs or hen eggs, no other delicacy more aptly represents Easter than the egg. Although the majority of us adhere to the conventional poultry egg, we may place only some of our trust in a single source. Even guaranteed double-yolks and quail eggs the size of acorns could inspire a new breakfast favourite.

Brain-eating parasite with 99% death rate threatens British water

Creative Media News

Climate change is accelerating the arrival of a brain-eating amoeba in Britain, a prominent expert warns. Infection with Naegleria fowleri, which can be found in rivers, lakes, and even potable water, can result in the demise of as many as 99 per cent of those infected. By travelling up the nasal passage, the microscopic parasite gains access to the brain, which it subsequently consumes and disrupts.

Contraceptive injection linked to five-fold brain tumor risk alert

Creative Media News

New research indicates that women who utilise the contraceptive injection have an elevated likelihood of developing the most prevalent form of brain malignancy. It was discovered that prolonged use of medroxyprogesterone acetate, marketed as Depo Provera, increased the risk of meningioma by more than fivefold.

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