Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

How a sudden loss of smell may be indicative of dementia.

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Scientists warn that an abrupt loss of smell, which has become a characteristic of Covid, may also be an early ...

Why are ladies and weights a healthy combination?

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Rose George writes about the decline in women’s physical activity (Pandemic knocked you off your stride? A woman’s guide to ...

Can I recover lost sleep?

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According to conventional opinion, the pain of a sleepless night can be remedied by catching up on sleep. A new ...

Is this the treatment for balding? Researchers discovered a protein implicated in hair loss.

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A research team believes they may have discovered a cure for baldness by preventing chemical buildups that can cause it ...

Meliodosis-causing bacteria have been detected in Mississippi water.

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On Wednesday, the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the bacteria responsible for a disease that kills ...

New ultrasound ‘stickers’ the size of a postage stamp will let pregnant women see their baby grow on their phones.

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Using an ultrasound sticker that adheres to the body like a bandage, pregnant women may one day be able to ...

Proof fitness trackers work People who wear it may drop 2 lbs every five months.

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Researchers from the University of South Australia in Adelaide discovered that individuals who use a wearable fitness trackers walk an ...

How cleaning the dishes can help prevent dementia?

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Researchers have found that staying physically healthy by performing home chores can reduce the risk of developing dementia. Adults who ...

66-year-old ‘City of Hope’ patient is FOURTH to be healed of HIV and leukemia using risky stem cell treatment.

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A fourth individual, identified only as a ‘City of Hope’ patient, has been cured of HIV using an extremely risky ...

US pregnant woman tests positive for monkeypox.

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A pregnant woman in the United States has tested positive for monkeypox, according to the director of the Centers for ...

Cocoa can decrease blood pressure and protect the heart.

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Scientists have discovered that flavanols, which are antioxidants present in cocoa, protect the heart by decreasing blood pressure. They accomplish ...

Heart gene therapy to eliminate danger of sudden death in the young.

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Scientists believe they will soon be able to effectively treat inherited, life-threatening heart muscle disorders to prevent sudden cardiac death ...

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