Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

BBQ healthy? We review the latest healthy items, from mushroom chipolatas to ‘skinny’ burgers.

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As we take advantage of the remaining summer warmth, barbecues are on the menu, and stores are stocked with a ...

Why TEA may extend your life: Two cups a day reduces early death risk by 13%.

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Tea may have fallen out of favor with coffee-obsessed millennials, but scientists believe it can help you live longer. A ...

Statins ‘DON’T cause muscle pain’: Ageing, not the life-saving medications, causes common adverse effect.

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Muscle soreness and weakness are not typical adverse effects of statins, despite being labeled as such by health officials worldwide. ...

Holy smoke! 4.3 million Britons use e-cigarettes, a record number.

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A survey indicates that vaping has reached record levels, with an estimated 4.3 million Britons already smoking e-cigarettes. In England, ...

New research shows that each extra inch around the waist increases heart disease risk by 11%.

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Carrying a few more pounds around your middle is not necessarily a hint that you should reduce your caloric intake ...

Want to convert your rented property into an Airbnb? It may violate the regulations.

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When Anthony Dunkley traveled to Margate, Kent, earlier this year, he hoped to purchase a home that he could use ...

Experts warn that smoking is much more detrimental to the heart than previously believed.

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Today, experts cautioned that smoking causes considerably more damage to the heart than previously believed. Experts have known for decades ...

Scientists may have identified a technique to rid the brain of poisonous compounds that cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but it may already be too late.

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A study team may have discovered a new technique to eliminate toxic proteins in the brain that drive cognitive disorders ...

Sleep deprivation can cause selfishness. Losing one hour a night reduces charitable giving and volunteerism.

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Parents of infants and shift workers are well aware of how a poor night’s sleep may make them irritable. However, ...

Why are so many of us suffering from ‘winter’ illnesses throughout the summer?

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Even though it is one of the warmest summers on record, 35-year-old Lorraine Davies and her family have contracted every ...

I was told pregnancy may relieve my chronic pain. I got duped.

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The first time a doctor told me that having a kid would alleviate the horrible, menstrual cycle-centered anguish that plagued ...

Cyber attack turmoil at NHS 111 will hurt patients, experts warn. Three weeks after hacked IT software.

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Experts have warned that patients could be harmed by the lingering disarray at NHS 111 in the wake of the ...

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