Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

Your ex haunting you? Sleeping with music helps erase bad memories.

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Whether it’s an ex-partner or an especially humiliating experience, we all have things we’d want to forget. Researchers have discovered ...

A 22-year-old player with a “severe” back injury waited five hours for an ambulance.

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A 22-year-old was left lying on the ground for five hours in the pouring rain while awaiting an ambulance, with ...

Cow snot lube? Experts claim it could stop HIV and herpes transmission.

Creative Media News

According to scientists, a lubricant created from cow mucus could protect against HIV and herpes. Experiments in the laboratory demonstrated ...

Female hair straighteners may double womb cancer risk.

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An official study reveals that chemical hair straightening treatments used by millions of Americans may double the risk of womb ...

Doctors may report “trans children using puberty-blockers purchased online in crackdown triggered by Tavistock crisis” to authorities.

Creative Media News

Today, it was revealed that under official trans-care guidelines, police may be notified when children acquire puberty blockers online. Children ...

Scientists now claim “exercise intolerance” is a sign of long-term COVID-19.

Creative Media News

According to scientists, ‘exercise intolerance’ should be recognized as an official symptom of extended Covid. The illness, which is still ...

Turning down the heat is financially and physically beneficial.

Creative Media News

Have you activated your central heating system yet? According to British Gas, the average British family does not generally do ...

Menopause diet: White bread’s evil. But good fats, broccoli, and blueberries are your friends.

Creative Media News

So frequently, women experiencing some of the more painful physical symptoms of menopause do not realize the link between their ...

Researchers suggest “fitspo” culture, where influencers show off their “sexy” bodies, might affect young women’s mental health.

Creative Media News

Today, it was controversially asserted that the prevalence of fitness culture in social media harms the mental health of young ...

NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard says financial issue a “f****** nightmare” as increasing inflation will cost health service £7Billion next year.

Creative Media News

NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard says financial issue a "f****** nightmare" as increasing inflation will cost health service £7Billion next year.

We love the beach! Beach going kids become happy adults.

Creative Media News

A study suggests that giving youngsters memorable beach experiences could make them happy as adults. Researchers discovered that adults with ...

E-bikes will not help you reach your fitness objectives

Creative Media News

Pedal power is superior to e-bike cruising for achieving fitness goals, according to a study. Users of e-bikes with built-in ...

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