Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

Tobacco users are 30% more likely to develop a potentially fatal cardiac ailment.

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A study reveals that regular marijuana use may increase the risk of potentially fatal irregular heartbeats. Cannabis users were 35% ...

Two-fifths of adults have discomfort by mid-40s.

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A study indicates that by the mid-40s, more than two-fifths of the British population suffers from some sort of chronic ...

One glass of wine or beer each day increases the risk of stroke by one-fifth.

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Experts have warned that young adults who consume only one alcoholic beverage per day could increase their risk of stroke ...

Pfizer’s new 80% RSV vaccine provides overloaded pediatric hospitals hope.

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Pfizer has reported that its experimental RSV vaccine is highly successful, providing parents and physicians a glimmer of optimism. The ...

Monkeypox can spread for four days before a rash appears.

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Today, government scientists asserted that patients with monkeypox can transmit the virus up to four days before symptoms manifest. Experts ...

High-street sperm testing costs £150! Superdrug sells swimmer tests.

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Men who wish to determine the potency of their sperm can now do it on the high street for a ...

Alcohol harm crackdown experts recommend raising beer, wine, and spirits prices.

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According to new ideas by experts and legislators, the price of beer, wine, and spirits may increase, and they may ...

£110,000-a-year family Doctors seek 9-5 jobs like “most other jobs” to spend time with family.

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General practitioners are requesting that their hours be reduced to 9 to 5, arguing that longer days discriminate against family-oriented ...

Blueberries and green tea may protect against dementia.

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A study reveals that green tea could prevent dementia. In laboratory research, catechins present in the herbal beverage reduced plaques ...

Charity says NHS disruption increasing heart deaths.

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An NGO has warned that extreme disruptions to NHS services have caused a dramatic increase in heart disease mortality since ...

Daily reading for just 30 minutes could extend your life.

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Feeling better about yourself, having more energy, and even being healthier need not necessitate a disruption in your daily routine. ...

The snacks that might help maintain a healthy weight

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What level of snacker are you? I bet that you consume more snacks than you realize. It varies from person ...

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