Health News

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China’s Covid turmoil could spark a doomsday variation that resets pandemic efforts.

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Today, experts warned that China’s Covid turmoil might put the rest of the globe back to square one in the ...

Quitting can restore cognitive impairment in 10% of 40-year-old smokers.

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A study reveals that smoking cigarettes can lead to cognitive decline in a person’s forties. A team from Ohio State ...

Safe & chic! Cranberry-infused lipstick can ward off Covid, the flu, and Ebola.

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In addition to attracting attention from across the bar, your bold cherry red lipstick may also protect you from annoying ...

Molnupiravir Covid speeds recovery – trial

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It has been determined that an antiviral medicine tested on more than 25,000 immunized Covid patients reduces disease recovery time. ...

Cluster headaches? These situations are 3x more likely.

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A study reveals that cluster headache sufferers are up to three times more likely to develop heart disease or mental ...

Pharmacists believe antibiotic supplies has worsened.

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The availability of crucial medicines to treat strep A has deteriorated during the past week, according to pharmacists. The Association ...

Unions plan early 2023 NHS winter walkouts.

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Midwives in England will not go on strike this winter, bucking the trend among NHS professionals who have chosen to ...

Study says cellulite may prevent dementia and strokes.

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A study reveals that women who tend to accumulate fat around their thighs, hips, and buttocks may have additional protection ...

Government bans export of Strep A medicines over shortage fears.

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In response to concerns of scarcity, the government has prohibited the export of antibiotics used to treat potentially fatal Strep ...

13-year-old girl beats leukemia in world’s first clinical study.

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A 13-year-old girl has been cured of her fatal cancer following a trial of a breakthrough form of medication. Alyssa ...

Clinics sell ineffective egg freezing to childless women.

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An Oxford scholar has cautioned that egg-freezing clinics are “preying” on women’s fears to sell them a treatment they may ...

Figures show that one shift of agency physicians can cost the NHS £5200.

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NHS trusts have paid up to $5,200 for a single agency doctor shift, demonstrating how dire the health service’s personnel ...

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