Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

Malaria-like tick-borne sickness kills 20% of sufferers, experts warn.

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Up to 20 percent of those infected by a malaria-like tick-borne disease are fatally afflicted, according to experts. In the ...

Accepting aging may help: Positivity about aging can counteract brain degeneration.

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Some individuals fear aging, while others eagerly anticipate their later years. A study suggests that those who genuinely believe that ...

A third of A&E patients must self-transport due to ambulance delays.

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Long ambulance wait times force a third of A&E patients to make their journey to the hospital, according to the ...

Avoid Botox! Non-surgical cosmetic complaints reached record highs.

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According to activists, the number of complaints about non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as Botox has reached a record high. Last ...

After switching surgeries, I was diagnosed with cancer after 200 GP visits.

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A mother who made 200 contacts with her general practitioner for an appointment revealed that she received her cancer diagnosis ...

Gene therapy could heal thousands of haemophiliacs if approved.

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Drug regulators have approved a new treatment for hemophilia, which could cure up to 2,000 Britons. Haemophilia, a disorder that ...

Judge orders infected blood money for parents and children.

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A judge has ruled that the parents and children of victims of the contaminated blood scandal should receive government compensation. ...

Revolutionary blood vessel disease treatment could save 5,000 Brits from amputation each year

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A revolutionary therapy may save severe blood flow patients from life-altering amputation. LimFlow is a new procedure that treats critical ...

The smart watch hint that you’re twice as likely to have heart failure

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Smartwatches can detect heart failure and read your mail. Heart failure affects up to one in fifty individuals in the ...

New injection reduces hemophilia risk for hundreds.

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The discovery that a monthly injection substantially reduces bleeding in hemophilia patients has the potential to transform their lives. Approximately ...

Former Government drug tsar David Nutt says hippy crack ban “isn’t based on evidence” and causes 700 times fewer deaths than alcohol.

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Today, a former government drugs czar warned that a ban on “hippie crack” would not deter its use and could ...

Do you rise early for work? Thus, it may harm you.

Creative Media News

Getting up early for work may increase job tension and decrease life satisfaction. Using an alarm clock during the week ...

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