Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

Melanoma skin cancer cases are growing in the UK

Creative Media News

The number of melanoma skin cancer cases in the UK is on the rise, and a cancer charity is urging individuals to take additional precautions to safeguard themselves from the sun. This year, Cancer Research UK anticipates a record-breaking 20,800 cases diagnosed, a significant increase from the annual average of 19,300 cases between 2020 and 2022.

AI in healthcare: diagnostics to GP appointments revolution

Creative Media News

It is the revolutionary technology that both proponents and critics assert will transform the world, potentially destroying us all or upending every industry.  However, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak praised AI to assist "millions" of British citizens in his remarks before a global summit on artificial intelligence in South Korea.  He discussed a recent NHS trial in which thousands of British women will undergo mammogram evaluations by an AI "doctor."

What happens if you eat only HUEL?

Creative Media News

Huel is, in essence, sustenance. It is an affordable, convenient, and nutritionally complete cuisine that has a minimal impact on the environment and animals. It supplies your body with all 27 essential micronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, and fiber necessary for optimal health. Visit this link to learn more about us.

Common shower mistake can cause ‘fusing,’ stunting orgasms

Creative Media News

To prevent the fusion of parts of their genitals, women on social media have been advised to cleanse their intimate areas in the shower thoroughly.  A Maryland-based urologist responded to a thread on Reddit regarding feminine hygiene by elucidating how the accumulation of microbes and dead skin cells on specific tissues can lead to the adhesion of certain components.

“Triple hit” of illnesses causing widespread sickness in Australia

Creative Media News

Australia is experiencing a significant number of illnesses due to a combination of declining vaccination rates and a triple whammy of flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus.  Lockdowns and measures, including the extensive use of facemasks, contributed to a decrease in the number of flu cases during the pandemic.  However, this has resulted in a decrease in immunity and an increased susceptibility to the flu, resulting in 3,696 hospital admissions and 379 fatalities from influenza in Australia last year.

Hidden signs you need more iron-rich foods

Creative Media News

Brain lethargy, brittle nails, and heart palpitations are not necessarily symptoms one would associate with iron deficiency. However, they are among the most common indications that you are deficient in this vital nutrient, a condition that the World Health Organization estimates affects up to eight in ten people worldwide. Iron is essential for oxygen transport throughout the body, maintains a healthy immune system, and reduces the risk of heart and respiratory conditions.

New ‘suction’ treatment might make IUDs nearly ‘pain-free’

Creative Media News

A revolutionary cervical suction cup could soon render essentially painless the most excruciating method of contraception, which is utilized by millions of American women.  Women undertaking IUD insertion procedures have historically been subjected to the agony of having a metallic device resembling a pair of scissors stretched across their cervix.  Sharp hooks are used to stretch the cervix before inserting the T-shaped device, which prevents fertilization by blocking the sperm from reaching the egg.

Most “boil water” notices have been withdrawn in Devon

Creative Media News

In Devon, thousands of previously compelled residents to boil their water in response to a parasite infestation have been spared the inconvenience. South West Water (SWW) announced that boiling water before consumption will no longer be recommended for 14,500 Brixham households. The company reported that the boil water notice was issued to 17,000 households and businesses on Wednesday in response to its network's discovery of cryptosporidium, a parasite responsible for diarrhea.

Shark-finned catheters may prevent urinary tract infections

Creative Media News

If catheter-assisted patients might be less susceptible to urinary tract infections if they were affixed with minute spikes resembling shark fins. These pliable, hollow plastic tubes facilitate the drainage of urine from the bladder into a receptacle for hospitalized patients confined to their beds who are unable to access the lavatory. They also serve the purpose of monitoring a patient's urine excretion and preventing excessive bladder swelling during an operation.

Nurse explains why patients experience ‘death rattle’

Creative Media News

A hospice nurse is educating people about the "death rattle" that terminally ill patients emit and why it shouldn't be concerning. End-of-life care administrator in Los Angeles, Julie McFadden, stated that the sound, which resembles a gurgling or damp, crackling sensation, is an ordinary aspect of the dying process. Patients, who are typically unconscious, experience no discomfort as a result of air passing through the accumulation of fluid in the mouth during respiration.

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