Health News

Empowering your wellness journey with the latest health news, trends, and research from Creative Media News.

The healthiest fruit for diabetes and how much to consume

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Patients with diabetes have been advised by dietitians to choose blueberries over other fruits. A diabetes care diet specialist suggests ...

Study shows which carbohydrate to eat at meals.

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According to a new study, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Researchers from Montefiore Medical Centre in New York have ...

NHS tracks children’s vital signs to avoid child fatalities.

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Parents who are concerned that their children may develop life-threatening illnesses while hospitalized can now rest assured that physicians will ...

Unexpected health advantages of having your nails done

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Scientists have identified the health benefits of having your nails done. Manicurist visits bring happiness, relaxation, and anxiety reduction, according ...

Neglecting disease-related malnutrition costs the NHS £22 billion annually.

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A failure to address disease-related malnutrition costs the National Health Service and social care £22.6 billion annually, a report reveals. ...

Sugar in tea and coffee may be healthy, says new research.

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The addition of sugar to coffee or tea may not be detrimental to our health, according to research. The government’s ...

Everyone ignores your fitness tracker’s vital measurement

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Doctors have stated that a measurement on your fitness tracker that is typically disregarded could be “the best indicator of ...

How well does your favourite pasta form hold sauce?

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The effortless composition and substantial nutritional content of pasta hardly come as a surprise, given its rank among the most ...

Dr. finds spider moving and shedding skin in woman’s ear.

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Throughout their careers, the average ear, nose, and throat specialist will observe “tens, if not more,” insects or arthropods in ...

Arizona issues health warning after suspected brain-eating amoeba

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An individual from Arizona has reported what appears to be a case of Naegleria Fowleri, also referred to as the ...

NHS pay: Health workers sue over Covid bonus

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A potential consequence of the government’s decision to exclude certain health workers from a one-time incentive is the possibility of ...

Sepsis deaths persist, hospitals repeat decade-old errors.

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A decade later, hospitals continue to make the same errors that have led to the loss of too many lives ...

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