Climate News

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Alerts as Storm Agnes sends 80mph winds to large parts of country

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From 10 a.m. on Wednesday until 7 a.m. on Thursday, a yellow wind warning is in effect for the majority ...

More than a month’s rain in one day floods Exeter Airport.

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The Met Office estimates that an area encompassing Taunton and Bridgwater in Somerset received up to 12cm of rain on ...

Large UK methane leak seen from space

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The first significant leak of the extremely potent greenhouse gas methane in the United Kingdom has been detected from space. ...

It’s the hottest day of the year, but the heatwave may end shortly.

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The mercury has surpassed 30C for six consecutive September days for the first time in records, threatening cyclones and health. ...

Taxing fossil fuels and flying funds African climate action.

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Instead of portraying Africa as a continent struggling with climate impacts, leaders sought to portray it as a continent wealthy ...

Amber heat-health alert for most of England as temperatures rise.

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On Thursday, the temperature is expected to be 4C warmer than on the Spanish island of Ibiza, 30C (86F) warmer ...

In sweltering Asia, heat records are broken.

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Authorities announced on Friday that heat records are being broken across Asia, from India’s summer to Australia’s winter, as fresh ...

Air pollution is the biggest global health hazard, says benchmark study.

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A Tuesday study found that air pollution is more harmful to the average person than smoking or drinking. The threat ...

Canada wildfire smoke exceeds record

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Massive wildfires in Canada have already emitted twice as much smoke as the previous annual record, the EU’s climate monitor ...

Rainstorms in Beijing have left at least 11 dead and 27 missing.

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Beijing, flooding roads and engulfing neighborhoods with mud. Storm Doksuri, a former super typhoon, had traversed China in a northerly ...

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