PM Shehbaz Sharif wants more commerce and investment with China.

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By Creative Media News

Before his first official visit to the neighboring nation, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif stated that Pakistan wishes to develop its commercial and investment ties with China.

In an opinion piece published in the Chinese publication Global Times, the Chinese premier characterized the relationship between his country and China as “longevity, affection, and trust.”

“There is no other relationship that so profoundly affects the souls of our people and elicits such intense emotions as ours.” To capture the spirit of these extraordinary ties, poetic language and emotional diction are used.

“Moving tales of mutual assistance and cooperation during trying times, passed down from generation to generation, have become an indelible part of our collective psyche,” he continued.

Pm shehbaz sharif wants more commerce and investment with china.
Pm shehbaz sharif wants more commerce and investment with china.

He further said that “the germ of Pakistan-China friendship has grown into an evergreen tree with robust branches and deep roots.” It has endured the vicissitudes of international upheavals and domestic fluctuations.”

According to him, relations with China are the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign strategy.

Geopolitical landscape

He stated that the international geopolitical scene had experienced a significant upheaval that was unprecedented in its scale and scope.

“Geopolitical tensions are causing war, the revival of ideological divides, economic and technical decoupling, and an expensive arms race. “Unfortunately, this is occurring while many people continue to suffer from poverty, disease, and hunger,” he lamented.

He stated that the imperatives of the 21st century need a new paradigm to address rising challenges and possibilities and to wean our area away from conflict and conflagration.

“We seek cordial ties with our neighbors based on mutual respect and a spirit of cooperation, and we seek the peaceful resolution of all outstanding conflicts, including the Kashmir issue, via negotiation and diplomacy by the United Nations Charter and resolutions.

“The nature and origins of each of these threats are unique, and if left unaddressed, they might reverse the march of globalization and ruin the tremendous accomplishments of humanity. It requires, as President Xi has repeatedly indicated, global action, global response, and global unity, as the prime minister stated.

The significance of the China-Pakistan strategic cooperation has multiplied, according to him, given the changing global landscape.

Geography, a shared worldview, a growing economic connection, and a strong sense of destiny have made us natural partners.

Pakistan is committed to further deepening bilateral ties between our two countries, continuing our mutual support on core issues, continuing our efforts for regional peace and connectivity, and advancing our all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation to a new level of trust and close cooperation,” he reaffirmed.

Assistance from China

The prime minister also mentioned times in which China assisted Pakistan, like during the Covid-19 outbreak and the recent catastrophic floods.

“The help and solidarity China offered to Pakistan in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak was a striking illustration of our enduring friendship,” he remarked.

Similarly, following the recent floods in Pakistan, China’s top leadership and people from all walks of life came up to assist the flood-affected Pakistanis, he noted.

“I was particularly moved to learn that children gave their pocket money after viewing images of floods in Pakistan. These moving tales demonstrate the profound affection and tight brotherly links between our two nations, he added.

Pakistan’s economic situation

Referring to Pakistan’s economic challenges, the prime minister stated that the nation is “on the verge of tremendous change.” He emphasized that Pakistan, like other nations, faced a variety of obstacles as a result of the global economic slowdown, rising food and energy prices, and disruptions in the supply chain.

“Despite global economic headwinds, my government is diligently trying to utilize our indigenous resources and potential to ensure the prosperity and advancement of our people.

“In pursuit of these goals, we draw inspiration from China’s accomplishments, whether it be achieving the first centenary goal of constructing a moderately prosperous society or its efforts to reach the second centenary goal of building a fully modern socialist country.”

Regarding the expansion of links between the two nations, he stated that China was Pakistan’s most important trade and investment partner.

“We intend to strengthen these ties by maximizing the Second Phase of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement and expanding industrial cooperation. Pakistan can serve as China’s manufacturing hub and an extension of its industrial supply chain.”

Pakistan, he added, provided Chinese corporations with investment prospects in the sectors of industry, agriculture modernization, infrastructure, green energy, and digital economy.

Since ancient times, the lush river valleys of Pakistan have served as the subcontinent’s grain storage areas. Based on the complementarities in agriculture, our two nations may expedite bilateral cooperation to promote corporate farming, effective water use, the creation of hybrid seeds and high-yield crops, and the establishment of cold storage networks,” he said.

The significance of this cooperation has increased to address shared concerns around food security.

Climate shift

Prime Minister Shehbaz also brought up climate change, stating that it represented an existential threat to humanity.

Recent severe floods in Pakistan swamped one-third of the country’s area and caused massive economic losses for over 33 million people. This calamity caused by climate change is a wake-up call for skeptics and a clarion plea for collective action.”

He continued by stating that China was a prominent voice in tackling the negative effects of climate change and that Pakistan was eager to learn from its scientific accomplishments in this field.


Referring to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Prime Minister Shehbaz stated that the initiative had “reinvigorated our socioeconomic progress in a few short years.”

“CPEC is the core pillar of my government’s development program as a game-changer for Pakistan and, consequently, for the region as a whole.

“Under its aegis, the successful completion of energy and transport infrastructure projects has paved the way for Pakistan’s economic revitalization and the creation of a firm platform for collaboration in various sectors,” he added.

He stated that the next phase of CPEC development will focus on critical sectors including manufacturing, energy, agriculture, the rail and road network, and the development of Gwadar Port as a hub for commerce and transshipment, investment, and regional connectivity.

“Our overarching objective is to maximize the potential of CPEC for Pakistan’s inclusive and sustainable growth, socioeconomic development, and the improvement of our people’s livelihoods,” he added.

Protection for Chinese citizens

Seriously, the prime minister stated that the safety of Chinese nationals in Pakistan remained the government’s top priority.

“We would never allow anyone to jeopardize our close friendship and robust economic partnership. He added that his government would spare no effort in bringing the perpetrators of these heinous acts to justice.

“A superficial observer could conclude that Pakistan and China’s friendship is motivated by their respective national interests. According to a historian, our proximity and shared previous experiences may have brought us together.

“But for us in Pakistan and truth, the fraternal links between our two peoples are much deeper, exceeding the general laws of interstate relations and connecting us in an eternal and timeless friendship,” he remarked.

He concluded his op-ed by stating that the two nations had the desire to contribute to the bright future of our people as well as the peace and stability of the larger region.

“And I am convinced that our friendship, which President Xi lauded as ‘taller than mountains, deeper than seas, and sweeter than honey in his address to the Pakistani Parliament in April 2015, will help us realize our shared goals. Long Live the Friendship Between Pakistan and China!

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