Articles by Creative Media News

Creative Media News

Musk claims that new Tesla factories are losing billions of dollars.

Creative Media News

Musk asserts that Tesla’s new plants in the United States and Germany are “losing billions of euros” due to battery ...

China: Two people are killed when an NIO electric car falls from the third floor of a Shanghai building.

Creative Media News

According to the company, two people involved in testing for electric car maker NIO died when one of its vehicles ...

Shireen Abu Aqla: According to the UN, an Israeli bullet killed an Al Jazeera journalist.

Creative Media News

According to the UN’s human rights office, a high-profile Al Jazeera journalist was killed by Israeli forces, not Palestinian militants. ...

Turkey and Israel have agreed to restore ambassadorial relations.

Creative Media News

ANKARA – Turkey, and Israel have begun work on restoring mutual diplomatic representation to the level of ambassador, Turkish Foreign ...

Northern Gritstone secures its first agreement with brain biomimicry startup Opteran.

Creative Media News

The vehicle chaired by Lord O’Neill is investing more than £3 million in Opteron, a University of Sheffield spin-off that ...

Ukraine and Moldova have been accepted as candidates for membership in the European Union.

Creative Media News

Ukraine and Moldova have been accepted as candidates for membership in the EU, paving the way for a multi-year process. ...

The United States Senate has passed the first gun control legislation in decades.

Creative Media News

The US Senate has passed gun control legislation, the most significant in nearly 30 years. It imposes stricter controls on ...

Inflation drives UK government interest rates to record levels in May.

Creative Media News

In May, interest payments on government debt reached an all-time high due to rising inflation. The government paid £7.6 billion ...

Government was compelled to pay a record £7.6 billion in interest on public debt last month.

Creative Media News

Current public sector net debt represents 98.5% of gross domestic product, the highest level in more than fifty years. After ...

In light of COVID, teachers going on strike is “unforgivable” and “responsible,” according to the education secretary.

Creative Media News

The National Education Union (NEU) stated that it will consult its members in the fall, “strongly pushing” them to support ...

Voters cast ballots in by-elections in Wakefield and Tiverton & Honiton.

Creative Media News

Officially, voting has begun for the by-elections in Wakefield, Tiverton, and Honiton. The Conservatives gained the two seats in West ...

Agency workers will be permitted to replace striking employees.

Creative Media News

By current government proposals, contract workers may be permitted to replace striking employees. It follows three days of huge rail ...

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