Articles by Creative Media News

Creative Media News

In Pakistan, snipers take up positions to make cricket feel regular.

Creative Media News

From the roof of Karachi’s National Stadium, the city is visible in all directions, up into the hills in one ...

Social values split British society, although the majority support tax increases to fund cost-of-living assistance.

Creative Media News

The majority of people support tax increases to address the cost-of-living crisis, according to a study, yet many hold differing ...

Strauss study encourages counties not to squander opportunity to revolutionize cricket.

Creative Media News

Andrew Strauss has urged the first-class counties not to squander the opportunity to revolutionize elite cricket when they vote on ...

A 16-year-old was detained on suspicion of murder after a 15-year-old was fatally stabbed.

Creative Media News

A 16-year-old was detained on suspicion of murder following the stabbing death of a 15-year-old in Huddersfield. North Huddersfield Trust ...

Molly Russell’s father cites social media as the cause of his daughter’s death at her inquiry.

Creative Media News

Molly Russell’s father told an inquiry that he believes social media played a significant role in his daughter’s murder. Ian ...

Government lifts restriction on fracking for shale gas.

Creative Media News

The government has lifted a prohibition on fracking for shale gas, prompting charges that it has violated a manifesto pledge ...

Shaun Pinner is pictured with his family after his release in a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine.

Creative Media News

The prisoner swap resulted in the release of around 300 individuals, the majority of them members of the Ukrainian Azov ...

Call scam victims! As frauds grow, we urge on big banks to step up, as HSBC cuts its hotline and rivals put callers on hold for an hour.

Creative Media News

Today, Money Mail is urging big banks to reinstate helplines for fraud victims. Last month, we reported that High Street ...

Inflation causes record UK debt interest rates in August.

Creative Media News

In August, interest rates on British government debt reached a new high due to soaring inflation. The Office of National ...

Golden Globes will return to television in 2023 after being dropped owing to a diversity controversy.

Creative Media News

Following concerns over the diversity of its membership, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), which organizes the Golden Globes, stated ...

After “proof of inappropriate messages,” Chelsea fires the commercial director.

Creative Media News

After acquiring proof that commercial director Damian Willoughby had exchanged “inappropriate texts” before joining the club, Chelsea terminated his job ...

Putin warns the West he’s not bluffing as he dispatches reserve troops to Ukraine.

Creative Media News

In response to Ukraine’s rapid recapture of vast swaths of territory in recent weeks, the Russian president has called up ...

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