Articles by Creative Media News

Creative Media News

Forget being right or left-handed! Octopuses have a preferred appendage for capturing prey.

Creative Media News

Despite having eight limbs to select from, octopuses have favorite appendages, according to recent research. When playing tennis or writing ...

New therapy eradicates or shrinks terminally ill patients’ tumors.

Creative Media News

Scientists have discovered that a herpes simplex virus that has been genetically modified can destroy or decrease cancerous tumors in ...

Crocodile bites, volcano eruptions, and ‘extreme sex drive’: the oddest reasons Britons needed NHS care in 2013.

Creative Media News

Crocodile bites, volcanic eruptions, and the use of poisonous mushrooms. These are but a few of the bizarre ways in ...

Government will lower pension fee cap to attract investment in innovative, high-risk UK enterprises.

Creative Media News

By revising the 0.75 percent charge cap, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has pledged to release billions of pounds of pension scheme ...

Gilts plummet and currency sinks after Chancellor reveals borrowing surge and tax cuts.

Creative Media News

As a result of Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-budget, the value of British government bonds has plummeted, as investors are frightened ...

Eve Sleep restlessly in seek of investor assistance to assist with shockingly low cash reserves.

Creative Media News

Investors in mattress specialist Eve Sleep were not able to rest easy this week, as the stock dropped to 0.35p ...

Jose Mourinho, Usain Bolt, and Louis Theroux video gets rave reviews.

Creative Media News

With cameos from several pioneers of Black British culture and other prominent people, the single has earned widespread acclaim and ...

The pound falls as markets respond to the mini-budget.

Creative Media News

As markets react to the chancellor’s mini-budget announcement, the pound has plunged to a new 37-year low versus the dollar. ...

What Russia expects from the occupied Ukrainian elections.

Creative Media News

In four occupied regions of Ukraine, officials backed by Russia are holding self-proclaimed referendums on joining Russia. These so-called elections, ...

As aircraft tickets and border crossings rise, draft-age Russians leave.

Creative Media News

Draft-eligible Russians have begun to depart the nation as the country begins its largest conscription push since the Second World ...

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng cancels planned tariff rise on alcoholic beverages.

Creative Media News

The Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, has canceled planned tax rises on beer, wine, spirits, and cider. The duty paid on alcoholic ...

Reduced stamp duty to assist homebuyers.

Creative Media News

The government has announced a reduction in stamp duty, the tax paid by purchasers of real estate in England and ...

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