As the virus spreads, there is an urgent effort to alter its name after scientists deemed it misleading and stigmatizing.
The World Health Organization has announced that it will rename monkeypox to prevent discrimination and stigmatization as the virus continues to spread over the world in an unprecedented epidemic.
The WHO’s director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, stated that the organization was “working with partners and experts from around the world to change the nomenclature of the monkeypox virus, its clades, and the disease it produces.

In a paper released last week, scientists advocated for an “urgent” adjustment to the name, which they described as “inaccurate,” “discriminatory,” and “stigmatizing.” Tedros stated that an announcement regarding the new name would be made “as soon as possible.”
At the height of the coronavirus epidemic, similar worries were raised when new Covid variants were named after the nations or regions where they were first found, resulting in travel bans and other restrictions. In response, the WHO implemented a nomenclature scheme that referred to new varieties as Greek alphabet letters.
In the report, the scientists express concern that the “prevailing perception” in the media and scientific literature is that the monkeypox virus is endemic in humans in certain African nations, even though the virus is overwhelmingly found in animals, which have historically caused sporadic human outbreaks.

The experts warn of a “growing narrative in the media and among numerous scientists that attempts to relate the current worldwide pandemic to Africa, West Africa, or Nigeria.” While the UK Health Security Agency initially raised the alarm after a person with monkeypox arrived in London from Nigeria on 4 May, the virus has been circulating for some time, primarily among men who engage in sexual activity with other men.
The World Health Organization currently recognizes two clades of monkeypox: west Africa and the Congo basin (central Africa). This year’s epidemic is caused by the first variety, which is far less deadly than the second.
“In the context of the current global outbreak, references to and nomenclature of this virus as African is not only erroneous but also discriminatory and stigmatizing,” the researchers wrote. In addition, they criticize the usage of photographs of African patients with varicella lesions in reportage of the pandemic in the global north.
The moniker “hMPXV” for the human monkeypox virus is used as a placeholder in the report to separate the virus causing the present international outbreak in people from the virus most often found in animals.
Wednesday, the WHO’s Europe director, Dr. Hans Kluge, stated that the severity of the epidemic “poses a serious risk,” stating in a media briefing: “The longer the virus circulates, the further it will spread and the stronger its hold will become in non-endemic nations. He urged “governments, health partners, and civic society” to “act urgently” to “contain this outbreak.”
Steve Taylor, a board member of European Pride, stated at the same briefing that LGBTQ+ events should not be canceled because of the outbreak, but rather used to convey public health messaging about monkeypox. Approximately 750 Pride events are scheduled to occur across Europe this summer, according to him.
“Over the past few weeks, we have collaborated with the WHO to craft our messages, and we will encourage Pride organizations around Europe to use their events to educate the public about the realities surrounding monkeypox so that people can protect themselves,” he said. Unfortunately, but fully predictable, opponents of Pride and opponents of equality and human rights have already attempted to cite monkeypox as a basis for Pride ban requests.
“We are glad that the WHO guidance makes it clear that Pride and other major events should not be hindered and are opportunities to spread critical public health messages,” he added.
On June 14, the UKHSA reported 52 additional cases of monkeypox in England, one further case in Scotland, and one additional case in Wales, bringing the total to 524 as of that date. In the most recent outbreak, more than 1,800 cases of monkeypox have been documented in dozens of countries outside of Africa.
The UKHSA recommended individuals attend a sexual health clinic if they acquired a rash with blisters and had had close contact, including sexual contact, with a person who has or may have had monkeypox within the past three weeks, or if they had recently been to the west or central Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) will host an emergency conference of specialists on monkeypox the next week to determine if the current outbreak constitutes an international public health emergency requiring a coordinated response.