- De Niro denies abuse allegations.
- Legal battle between De Niro and Robinson.
- Counterclaims include financial wrongdoing.
In the courtroom, Robert De Niro shouted “shame on you” at his former assistant as he denied allegations of being an abusive and condescending supervisor.
On the second day of the civil trial, where he and Graham Chase Robinson are suing each other, the celebrity spoke.
Denials and Acknowledgments
De Niro maintained that he had never been abusive but admitted he might have called her a “brat” when he failed to wake her for an appointment, resulting in a missed one.
“That one time, I became enraged,” he reportedly told the Associated Press.
The actor from “Raging Bull” and “Taxi Driver” admitted that he “berated” her at the time and said he was “upset” but not abusive.

According to Deadline, in testimony that was occasionally irate, De Niro rejected Ms. Robinson’s claims that her time working for him amounted to servitude.
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“She implies that she’s out in front of the building on her knees scrubbing the floor,” he said.
“You have never intended to imply anything lewd, disrespectful, or strange,” De Niro stated before turning to her and exclaiming, “Shame on you, Chase Robinson!”
He admitted that he had once or twice asked her to scratch his back when he had an itchy spot he couldn’t reach but stated, “It was never done disrespectfully.”
Ms. Robinson also claims he once requested an Uber ride to deliver a martini from the Nobu restaurant to him late at night, among other things.
De Niro responded, “Might have been,” as reported by the Times, thereby contending that the use of an Uber was warranted.
When questioned about his repeated phone calls to her to procure a bus ticket for his adolescent son, the actor responded, “So?” He denied knowing that she was present at the time of a family member’s funeral.
(Property-oriented) female duties
In 2008, before the actor’s company Canal Productions appointed her as vice president of production and finance, Ms. Robinson worked as his assistant.
She filed a $12 million (£9.8 million) lawsuit against the double-award recipient after her departure in 2019.
According to Ms. Robinson, he allegedly underpaid her because of her gender, made sexist remarks, regarded her as an “office wife,” and delegated “stereotypically feminine” responsibilities like mending clothing and doing laundry.
On Monday, De Niro informed the court that her allegations were “completely baseless.”
Counterclaims and Legal Battle
Based on allegations that she improperly transferred over $450,000 in airline miles to her personal account, spent tens of thousands of dollars of company funds on food, travel, and other personal services, and binge-watched Netflix at work, he is suing Ms. Robinson for $6 million.
Her attorneys claim “false allegations” abound in his lawsuit. They expect the New York trial to last for two weeks.
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