Two weeks after her unexplained disappearance while walking dog Willow alongside the River Wyre, Nicola Bulley’s partner stated, “We’re going to find her,” and that the family will “never give up” hope. He informs their children that everyone is searching for their mother.
The spouse of Nicola Bulley has stated that her family is experiencing “unprecedented misery” but would “never give up” hope of locating her.
The 45-year-old went missing on January 27 while walking her dog in St. Michael’s on Wyre after dropping off her daughters at school.

Paul Ansell told 5 News, “Hope and positivism within me are greater than ever, and I will never, ever let go.
Nikki would never give up on us ever. She never gave up on anyone.
“We’re never going to give up on her… we’ll find her.”
Mr. Ansell feels that “something happened” the day his colleague vanished.
He continued, “There must be a means to determine what occurred, there must be. You cannot… you cannot simply vanish into thin air while walking your dog along a river.”
I am certain that it is not the river.
The police hunting for Ms. Bulley maintains an open mind.
Officers have been investigating the possibility that she fell into the River Wyre.
The emphasis of the police search operation has changed from the location where Ms. Bulley vanished to Morecambe Bay, where the River Wyre empties into the Irish Sea.
Officers have confirmed that they are focussing on the river’s mouth, with Lancashire Police indicating that finding Ms. Bulley “becomes more likely in the open sea.”
In addition, specialized diving units have been dispatched to search a 15-kilometer stretch of river between the bench where her phone and dog were discovered and the bay.
But Mr. Ansell questions the logic of focusing the search on the river.
I am 100 percent confident that it is not the river, he stated.
He said that “divers, the underwater rescue team, and everyone else were in that river that day, and happily they discovered nothing.”
Peter Faulding of Specialist Group International (SGI), whose crew was equipped with a £55,000 side-scan sonar capable of detecting submerged items, concurs.
According to him, it is “unlikely” that she has been pushed out to sea.
“In my opinion, there is a considerable distance to travel in a tidal river,” he remarked.
Fortnight after Ms. Bulley’s disappearance
A fortnight after Ms. Bulley’s disappearance, the small rural community of St. Michael’s on Wyre has changed significantly.
For many surrounding residents, the police presence in the charming community has been overbearing.
It is the epicenter of a mystery that has caught the nation’s interest, but it is also the site of a massive police operation to locate the mother of two little girls.
Dog walkers, friends, and teachers from Ms. Bulley’s daughters’ school have joined together over the past two weeks to seek any shred of evidence connected to Ms. Bulley’s disappearance.
After fourteen days of not knowing what happened to the mortgage consultant, the situation raises more questions than answers.
Friday marked the latest effort to locate Emma White, with those who knew her lined a road with posters in a “last-ditch” bid to raise awareness.
Ms. Bulley’s family continues to pray for her safe and sound return.
Everyone is searching for their mother.
Paul Ansell, the partner of Ms. Bulley, described the last two weeks as “a rollercoaster trip.”
Regarding his children, Mr. Ansell stated, “All I can do is remind them that everyone is hunting for their mother.”
Two weeks after the disappearance, he expressed his anguish and need for answers, stating, “We need her back.” We must locate her in good health. I can’t put those girls to bed with no further information.”
He felt “rage, a great deal of aggravation, uncertainty, and disbelief” regarding the entire affair.
He said, “It doesn’t even feel genuine… I feel as though I am in The Truman Show.
“I honestly believe I’ll awaken at any moment… how are we even in this situation? We are decent folks.
Lancashire Police have denied that Ms. Bulley is a victim of a crime and have described the intensity of the search for her as “unprecedented,” with 40 officers pursuing 500 potential leads.
Regarding the police, Mr. Ansell stated emphatically, “I cannot blame the police in any aspect of this; they have been amazing, and our working relationship is still very, very strong; it’s excellent.”
As a result of reports of people traveling to the region and recording properties for social media, the police have been given further authority to disperse groups making a nuisance in the village.