Raphael Warnock’s anticipated victory breaks the Senate seat’s deadlock, freeing Democrats from reliance on Vice President Kamala Harris’ casting vote. However, this does not signal the end of divided government, as Republicans only narrowly won control of the lower House in the most recent midterm elections.
NBC News projects that Democrat Raphael Warnock has been re-elected to the United States Senate, a critical victory for President Joe Biden.

His anticipated victory gives the Democrats an absolute majority in the Senate after two years of a 50-50 split, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking ties.
Mr. Warnock defeated former NFL great and Republican opponent Herschel Walker in the Georgia election.
In the midterm elections held last month, neither candidate gained a clear majority, necessitating a runoff.

Mr. Warnock informed his supporters in his victory address, “After a hard-fought campaign – or should I say campaigns – it is my honor to speak the four most powerful words ever spoken in a democracy: The people have spoken.”
Mr. Biden called him to congratulate him.
He tweeted: “Tonight, Georgia voters stood up for democracy, rejected extremist MAGAism, and, most importantly, returned a wonderful man to the Senate. Cheers to another six years!”
Mr. Walker, a 1980s American football legend, was unable to overcome a multitude of devastating allegations, including suspicions that he paid for the abortions of two previous girlfriends.
A multimillionaire businessman, he exaggerated his philanthropic activities and business accomplishments, including claiming his company employed hundreds of people and grossed tens of millions of dollars annually, even though records indicate he only had eight employees and annual sales of approximately $1.5m (£1.2m).
He claimed to have been a law enforcement officer and a college (university) graduate, although having done neither.
Former president Donald Trump backed his bid for the Senate.
Mr. Warnock, the state’s first black senator, touted his Senate successes throughout his campaign, including a provision he authored to curb insulin expenses for low-income patients as well as deals on infrastructure and maternal healthcare.
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer stated that Mr. Warnock’s victory was “against the extreme policies of the MAGA Republicans.”
The final weeks of the election season became extremely acrimonious. Mr. Walker referred to Mr. Warnock, senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia’s capital, as a “hypocrite” and Biden’s “servant.”
Despite being a Democrat, Mr. Warnock attempted to distance himself from Mr. Biden, whose favor ratings have declined while US inflation remained elevated.
As the Republicans barely regained control of the House in the most recent midterm elections, the Democrats’ new majority in the Senate does not signal the end of a divided government, but it does mean they will now control crucial committees.