Police across US receive new UFO guide, warning craft ‘offer substantial safety hazards’

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By Creative Media News

  • UAPs pose safety risks to law enforcement
  • Guide includes officers’ UFO encounter reports
  • Memo urges cautious helicopter operations

Police chiefs from America’s top cities have released the first guide on UAPs, which outlines unsettling experiences and how cops can report them.

The 11-page memo cautioned that unexplained flying objects ‘offer major safety concerns to law enforcement air support units,’ and advised teams to be cautious when flying in helicopters.

The paper also recounts cases from officers who claimed to have encountered UFOs, including one in 2023 where a law enforcement officer spotted a ‘triangle object with green lights gliding across the sky’ before a local homeowner said something ‘ran’ nearby.

The police executives developed the reference because ‘it’s in the interest of law enforcement to be aware of trends and reporting on UAP owing to the unknown harm they may pose.’

The Large Communities Chiefs Association (MCCA) is made up of approximately 80 CEOs from large US communities who collaborate to improve public safety through various projects, such as community outreach, research and policy creation, and, most recently, UFO investigations.

The guide, which was published in June, also includes information from America’s investigations into UFO encounters and evidence from ‘whistleblowers,’ including former United States Air Force officer and intelligence official David Grusch.

One item mentioned the US Congress UAP hearing in 2023, where Grusch testified about his knowledge of planes having ‘nonhuman’ origins.

The report included more information about the US government and its possible connection to extraterrestrial life.

A section gives links to numerous UAP reporting websites and encourages cops to report any unusual occurrences.

More intriguingly, the pages include first-person accounts from police officers who observed mysterious spacecraft while out in the field.

An officer patrolling Blairsville, Georgia, in November 2023 claimed to see green lights in the sky.

‘I’m a police officer and deputy sheriff. While on duty after dark, toward the top of my windshield (frame of view), I noticed movement in the sky (southbound direction of vision), according to the officer’s report.

‘After focussing my gaze and observing through the low light, I could make out a triangle craft with three dull green lights on each side (just bright enough to estimate size, form, and movement).

The officer stated that he soon lost sight of the UFO due to vegetation and was unable to hear anything while inside his car.

I am familiar with the appearance of helicopters and airplanes in the sky because I frequently work with medical flight crews in the area and the locations of surrounding airports, so I am fairly familiar with popular areas of the sky where low air travel occurs. This was unlike anything I’d ever seen,’ he explained.

Within an hour of the sighting, the officer received a call from a homeowner in the same direction as the object, reporting something rushing outside of his home…which did not sound like an animal.

Another incident occurred in Harper Woods, Michigan, in 2020 when two cops observed three unexplained objects in the sky before they ‘blinked out’ of existence.

The officer wrote: “At approximately 6:00 a.m., myself and a fellow officer were standing in a church parking lot talking before the end of our shift.”

‘I was looking at the moon in the southwest when I noticed something to the southeast. I noticed three things in the southeast sky and pointed to them.

‘The objects appeared to drift to the east while keeping an identical distance. As we observed the objects, they seemed to ‘blink out’ of our eyesight.

Other tales in the guide detail civilian encounters of police helicopters purportedly following UFOs.

In one incident in Austin, Texas, a citizen wrote: “When I walked out the front door, I saw Triangle Craft – with white lights illuminated on each corner – being closely followed by a police helicopter – travelling south – near the 620 freeway.”

‘I thought I was seeing things, but I looked again, and it wasn’t. Hopefully, others will agree.

Another event happened in Winnipeg, Canada, when a citizen reported seeing a police helicopter being pursued by an unknown object.

‘While relaxing in my hot pool in my backyard, I heard the familiar sound of a police helicopter flying over the city. After passing over our house, it made a couple of laps south of us before heading north at a faster rate, according to the statement.

‘About 10 seconds later, two lights with the same relative brightness as the background stars moved parallel and at a consistent speed.’

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Nigel Watson, author of ‘Captured by Aliens? A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims’ said the guide is ‘very handy’ for law enforcement agents.

‘The brief history of UAP research and the links to organizations where sightings can be reported are beneficial,’ he stated.

“For me, the references to former government ‘whistleblowers’ David Grusch and Luis Elizondo are redundant because they have just repeated stories that have persisted for years with no meaningful evidence.

‘Although it mentions multiple official studies, it does not say that the US Project Bluebook was closed after they determined that such research has no scientific value. Other projects have likewise found it difficult to find genuine evidence of extraterrestrial craft.

The guide also does not mention skeptical websites or blogs, which would provide a more balanced perspective on the issue and refute wilder legends, like the reported 1947 Roswell crash.

There is now a case to be made that terrestrial UAPs threaten air safety and national security, but as with this book, it is combined with science fiction reports of extraordinary non-terrestrial vehicles with limited credibility.

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